
The Cobra, and its' story, is by far the most deserving of the #1 spot. The story behind that car is enough to bring any enthusiast to tears.

I have a question for the general Jalop commentariat: If you witnessed a super-car crash, and assuming no one was hurt, would you stand around laughing and taking pictures?

As a driver of taxis, just as cabs were getting away from Crown Victoria's and Caprice Classic's, I was exposed to the early iterations of Toyota's keyless entry and engine start systems. They were, at first, appealing and after the initial wow- factor, incredibly annoying. The times I wished for a normal key set, I

McLaren is bringing an MP4 to the Vancouver International Autoshow.

Thank you for the article, Benjamin.

Phrasing, Orlove.

It's just a breathlyzer with a long tube. Have to look responsible, in your Prius. Wouldn't want the PTA getting wind of your multiple DUI's.

It's actually a breathalyzer. DUI Guy just wants to look responsible, in his Prius, and opted for the long, fluted tube.

Yeah, but let's be honest; as the show has gained popularity the... deals... the boys are able to get have become, shall we say, on the very edge of plausible.


Cars are like genders, and they're getting bent all the time.

I'm not sure the regulations in New York state and/or city but where I live, and used to drive cab, I can tell you the following is true; at under 50 km/h (the equivalent of what, a 30 mph zone?) occupants of a taxi, much like a bus, are not required to wear seatbelts. As a cab driver I'd always caution people to wear

I just can't get behind this.

That trunk almost looks like it has a Bangle.

I didn't see you'd already posted the same.

Because Miata is always the answer. And it's red.

The Miata with Jimmy Hoffa's remains in the trunk...

Flight or fight, eh?

As someone who has done this epic voyage on many separate occasions, not the least of which was a trip from BC to Ontario in the late, late summer, in a late, late VW Microbus, I have to disagree with the claimed difficulty of this drive.

When he crawled under that Toyota (?) I was hoping that the driver would get on the gas a little sooner.