
Why are so many people getting pissed off about this and why do they think I care if they don’t like my name?

Okay, well that’s too bad for you then. I’m not sure why you’re making such a big deal out of someone not liking a name.

I know I sound judgey right now but whenever I see facebook pictures of a bachelorette party at a sip and paint class I feel like the bride is super lame and boring and I want to rescue her bridesmaids.

I think they meant the murals were removed this summer.

Also because Philly loves murals more than any other city in the world has ever loved murals.

I grew up in the burbs. Once, while waiting for my sister to get out of a community art class, I saw a man drive up next to me and start jerking off. There are no guarantees in life.

I would have been very unhappy if Lea Michele got a role on American Horror Story. Blegh.

I am sure it was more than you have donated.

How was trashing the meal going to save anyone money though? There’s no excuse for that.

I get that this elf thing has been around for this poor girl’s whole life but a trend from 2004 can go away already.

The cops still came to the house to check on Isabella and found her freaking out. “She was hysterical crying, she was panicking,”

really dying for a version of real housewives that’s similar to “real world/road rules challenge”... i want them to mix up the wives from different shows/cities and make them compete. Now THAT’S a good tv show idea! somebody put me in touch with andy cohen.

How was Martha wrong, except she should have said Z list?

Maybe pick another website if you’re going to judge a woman on her looks or her choices about her looks.

Why on earth is that a good solution? Sure it sucks that there was a mistake in the announcement, but it doesn’t change the fact that one had the winning score and one had the second place score. It’s not that the voting mechanism fucked up, or someone tried to deliberately change the outcome. I feel for the woman who

I’m not sure where Gawker Media hires its “writers” but clearly not at the Professional Writer Store. (There is such a thing, right?)

I know it’s early on a Sunday, but do take time to proofread and edit before hitting publish.

Oy, please don’t “dress up” like a “Jew.”

This woman, for whatever reason, thought that her best option was to stick a coat hanger into her vagina and hope it caused a miscarriage. This is why we need good sex ed in high schools. This is why we need to fund Planned Parenthood. This is why abortions should be state supported.