
Seriously between that and the nutbag right’s increasing attempts to legislate women’s ownership of their own bodies I’m wondering how far we have to go until we qualify for refugee status in other countries.

I wonder at what point other countries will start accepting asylum requests from Americans who are afraid as hell of our rampant gun violence.

Thank You Anna for writing this story and helping us educate the public. The trucking media largely ignores this topic. They will cover a story of a stolen truck , and of male drivers being robbed by a female while they slept in an unlocked truck but they look the other way on rape, harassment of women and

My bear senses are tingling... I’m getting a really strong feeling of deja vu, like I’ve read a story almost exactly like this before.

And my job being married is to get my husband and my [seven] kids to heaven with me.

I still miss the Sarah Connor Chronicles.


And all y’all bitches said vaccines weren’t dangerous. WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?!

If you look behind Will Ferrel, you can see Gwen and Gavin sitting in the next row.

Jon Daly for Official Yoko Translator.

Serious proposal:

Okay, so how much IS a fair profit then, mister?

He did fight for his shower scene in Wild Things, where he very deliberately shows the Thick Cut Peppered Bacon in a profile shot. It’s hilarious; the two characters in the scene aren’t having sex or anything—in fact, he promptly hops out of the shower, towels off and dresses.

“Then Kanye and I both reached a place where he would say really nice things about my music and what I’ve accomplished, and I could ask him how his kid’s doing...”


Oh hooray. The first Stonewall movie is about a fictional white gay male. This erases the BLACK trans woman who actually was the first to throw something (Marsha P. Johnson, if you’re wondering). It erases all the dykes who were being raped and arrested and who fought on the front lines of basically every important

And someone else said it best: the privileged white woman (Natasha) thinks that eating chicken is akin to black people in slavery in the 19th century.

This is NVC’s NVCest article to date.