
If only people of color killed by police got half the amount of attention as this lion*. Sigh.

He just happened to shoot the wrong lion. People are “outraged” because this one had a name. If he would have shot one of the no name lions, like what’s been happening, Jimmy Kimmel wouldn’t have been on TV crying. Next time he can do like all the other rich white people and shoot black/brown people. No one cares

Here’s another link.

Marijuana addiction is real:

A toast, to the Mitsus!

Ok, great. They’re not dead. They may be on life support, but they’re not dead.

If you’re an automotive reporter or enthusiast, your gut is telling you that Mitsubishi is doomed and nearly every

Calvin Floyd, a former talk show host in Columbus, Georgia told the newspaper that Houser appeared on his show, Rise and Shine, over a dozen times:

You are a fantastic individual

Marry me :pp

Well done, good for you!

You rock, MitsubiShe. Dropping that guy was clearly the right thing to do.

Got to say, your ex sounds like a proper jerk. It’s your car, and you clearly love it—dude needs to chill


I'd date a girl that drove a loud evo.

To that girl with the EVO X. Your Ex was a total tool enjoy your EVO.

Didn’t he (Will Farrell) say it was the most boring car on Earth? I've searched several times for the quote, but I swear it was a tweet.

When my ex and I started dating, I had a 2006 Evo IX MR. He hated that car. He didn’t like the seats (too broad for the Recaros), didn’t like the look (too ricey), and he hated the attention it got me. He finally convinced me to sell it a few years into our relationship. He said he’d never let me drive another,

<3! Your ex sounds like the worst person on the planet, and I hope he gets convinced to sell something he likes in the future. Should've done four-wheel drifts on his lawn for that! (Also, I love you car.)