
Can’t think of many guys that would sell their car for a woman... for a family, sure.

do you ride that pretty wr supermoto too???

I hope you texted him back with a picture of your middle finger.

Fuck him, you win. (clap-clap-clap!)

Gold. Pure gold.

Fair to say you have better taste in cars then men. I’ll show myself out...

10,000,000 Internet points for no fucks given single lady vanity plate.

Lol, my ex has a Miata and I have never been happier to see a car leave my driveway as I was when he (and it) left.

And if I’m not ungreyed after I photoshopped an ibex for you people I just give the fuck up.

I’m still waiting for this revolution.

Jesus. Hector. Christ. I hope someone proposes during her stupid fucking wedding. I hope everyone who’s not the bride wears white just to spite her. I hope her maid of honor gives a really mean, passive-aggressive speech. I hope her aunt gets too drunk and hits on the groom, and he goes for it.

It all feels so unnecessarily self-congratulatory.

So happy the clueless “I didn’t know we were rich!” blathering has already started.

It’s called privilege and this delusion that their wealth is not evident in every way to other people.

yeah but like.

Listen guys, this is ridiculous. Deleting comments that point out how tone deaf and culturally offensive this article is really not helping the whole “We’re not a white feminists’ thing you all are trying to buckle down on all the time. People are giving you valuable feedback: that this article is condescending and

I don’t get the snark about “tall people problems”. I’ve been 5’10” since I was in 7th grade and I am pretty self conscious about my height, even still, at 30. I can only imagine what it would be like being 6’1” or taller as a 16 year old girl. My mother is 6’0” and I was super nervous I would be too. Her sisters are

In defense of the lady with oil all over her. I cannot open a fucking hood without getting grease and dirt all over me. I swear to God. It’s like it just jumps up on my face. If I do some actual work, it’s all over me. I have been taking a shower and found a greasy hand print in between my shoulder blades. I can’t

This is some brave shit.