
omg i was so mad and then i was happy

Everyone on here saying that "Jesus turned into a zombie anyway, LOL" is incredibly offensive. Jesus, upon Resurrection, was not a zombie. His command of speech and mastery of arcane powers means that he was a LICH.

Did going to the party at least convince your husband that the guy is not worth being friends with?

"He owes me $5. I loaned it to him so he could buy his own lunch and stop stealing my fries every time I walked away."

Ooooh. He sounds kinda stupid. You should fuck with him.

He steals my jokes all the time (often in front of me right after I say it, he'll go repeat it louder to someone else). He's SO FUNNY, you guys.

I wouldn't normally say this, because of the pervasiveness of the prison-industrial complex, but plant drugs on his shit. Seriously. Because fuck this guy.

I saw the last one and sent everyone home for the day

Same. Women after to worry about rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence, catcalling, discrimination at work, access to BC and abortion care, etc. etc. But some manfeels are hurt. DROP EVERYTHING!!! MANFEELS ALERT!!!

I approve. lets just assume my opinion has any sort of importance and my approval matters. :)

Yes! Seriously, being a woman at any car show can be a toss up of either being taken seriously, or being asked where your other half is.

The worst, worst, WORST human beings I ever tend to meet are the Dumb Street Racing Story Guys.

Perhaps your female teachers were simply less patient with how you tried to participate in discussions without doing the reading.

If Chaz doesn't have the decency to tell THE TRUTH about his floor-shitting incident by midnight tonight, I will have no choice but to publish personal information about him so we can all get to the bottom of this.

Shaman friends can be really helpful. One of my Tauren shaman friends heals me while I tank heroics.

"Working at home with Google" is an excellent female masturbation euphemism. Well done!

Unfortunately, Kara's strategy to get her enemies drunk backfires when Emma and Erinsilently count to three and gut her like a fish.

POLL: putting sugar on spaghetti with marinara/tomato sauce.