It worked in this fashion: I've never heard of Aerie before. But I read this post. And then I went to look at their website. And then I discovered that they have tall pj pants. AND NOW I WILL BUY THEM ALL.
So... yes?
It worked in this fashion: I've never heard of Aerie before. But I read this post. And then I went to look at their website. And then I discovered that they have tall pj pants. AND NOW I WILL BUY THEM ALL.
So... yes?
nor does eggplant have a cadre of vehement and humorless defenders.
I actually think it's probably pretty likely that some stoners are planning to hand out pot laced candy to Trick or Treaters. They'll put a bunch of them in a bowl and start cracking up about how funny it will be when a bunch of little kids get stoned right up until they all realize Halloween was five days ago and…
This proves my point to an absolutely spectacular degree, so thank you for that, and also for heroically preserving our nation's dwindling pixel supply by selflessly refusing to use your shift key.
That's actually the only way this fuckwit will ever find enlightenment.
whatever im just going to light him on fire
guys if we ever meet irl please dont be upset that i am not a dinosaur
As much as it sometimes hurts my feelings when my friends' kids don't want to give me affection, I try to remember this at such a time — because, really, I know they love me, and I love them, and I don't want to push them into thinking that anyone invading their comfort zone is okay. When their mom says "Go give…
I think the most depressing thing here is that my first thought upon viewing the photo was, "It could be worse. Thank god he didn't do it in blackface."
I don't know who "Madelaine Davies" is, but she sounds dangerous.
I've always agreed with those sentiments.
The man once known as MARK SHRAYBER decides what you consider newsworthy.
I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that…
A real missed opportunity for a "Drunk in Louvre" headline.
Going up, my parents were were divorced and never communicated directly. I got bounced back and forth between them a lot. Always based on what my mom needed. Fuck my social life or grades or stability. If being a parent started to get too hard, she'd ship me off to live with my grandmother or father. She'd get lonely,…
There's something that needs to be clarified here. This case is not about whether it is or is not illegal to photograph parts of women's bodies which are exposed to the public. This case is about whether the police, who observed this man taking pictures of women in public, had a right to stop him and search the…
"Which, coincidentally, is just slightly more than your pay for every man's dollar."
"For just 80 cents a day, you can give an actress or pop star the women's history and feminist theory education they so desperately need. Please call today."