
I enjoyed it very much except for some of the gratuitous violence. Richard Armitage gives a strong performance and the writing is good.


I get it digitally, it’s easier to digest with one short story once a week.

Are they more expensiver solely because Switch cartridges are expensive? Or is that cost a reflection of the work that goes into porting a game onto the Switch? Is the money going into making a cartridge that some people won’t even buy? Or is that going toward the coders, testers, and artists who make the game as good

Unless I see some sort of reasonable evidence that the cost to get a cartridge to a retailer is prohibitively high I’ll stand by my take. As far as your second point, goes I think there’s room for a little nuance. There are many fields where sometimes the cost of goods directly impacts the cost the consumer pays. This

The game costs a set amount, the media you choose to acquire it by is just a choice. I don’t expect them to pass on a pittance of manufacturing cost discount when I buy digital games.

The Overwatch shipping phenomenon confuses me.

I didn’t always agree with the points she made and she has a couple of tactics she uses in her arguments that grind my gears but she always argued passionately and her videos are worth watching. It’s weird because her criticism simeultaneously elevated the conversation while bringing out the worst of the trolls.

THAT’S AMAZING!!! I got a couple of dozen replies to this and only now do I notice that it says dicks and not docks! Thanks for pointing it out and if I had to have typo I’m glad it was that one.

Fair enough, if you check some of my other threads I learned that some people’s docks are apparently narrower at the top, I’ve checked and that doesn’t seem to be the case for mine. Generally my feeling is this appears to be an issue but it’s the exception not the rule. Are you having the left Joycon disconnection

You are totally correct but the Switch dock has an opening for the intake vents to make certain the unit gets cool or ambient air even if it is docked.

Yeah, mine gets hot but I consider that normal. I always feel like that’s one of those things that can get blown out of proportion. I’ve met people who play some processor intense game for four hours straight on their smartphone and then call it a piece of garbage because it feels very hot to them. I hope your battery

When you play the game and use Battlenet, there is a long EULA that most people skip over that says you agree that if you play you won’t make things like this or use programs that do things like this. If you don’t like those stipulations you are entitled to a refund of your purchase price and you don’t use the game.

Certainly possible, it is just weird to me think they are getting “bent.” If some are narrower at the top I would be more inclined to believe it’s a manufacturing issue then being bent in the box.

That’s a fair point, but the dock being a static thing, at this point unless I put it in differently, or debris comes between the Switch and the dock I don’t see it developing the problem. I am actually much more outraged at the “fans” comment because people don’t seem to realize that the vents on the back are intakes

I know several people with Switches without these problems. Admittedly, that’s anecdotal, but then again so are these stories of scratches. I think that they are happening legitimately, albeit very rarely. That’s why I think things like this article and the accompanying video blow things out of proportion and offer

I’m glad you mention that, I do have the issue with the JoyCons, every time I cross my legs Link will run off a cliff because the left controller disconnected. I think the design works, that’s why I’m confused. This is genuinely something that I don’t understand.

It sure does, there are a pair of intakes on the lower back side of the unit and the dock has an opening so these aren’t blocked when you slide the Switch in.

Yeah, the back vents are intakes.

I’ve felt mine get hot too, but not to a degree I worry about. It seems to manage the heat pretty well between the metal shielding/heat sink under the back panel and the fan venting from the top.