
That’s fair. A soft inner lining on the screen side of the dock would probably have mitigated these concerns. Then again as a parent I can confirm that children will find a way destroy virtually any object that means anything to you. ; )

No, I was referring to the opening line. I read the article but didn’t watch the video because it seemed like an inelegant solution to a problem that I don’t have. I figured those two ports were intakes and they left a hole in the back of the Switch dock so that cool air can can be intaken by the fan. It looks like

Yeah, I mean no one’s experience is typical, but I spent five minutes looking at my dock after reading this to wonder how the hell someone could do it without being willful or very negligent about it. Some are saying the dicks are bent but now I’m trying to figure out how much pressure you would need to bend the

Yeah, I looked at the tear down and was very relieved to find it relatively repairable in case my three year old accidentally damages it. And yes this feels like some yellow journalism on Switch, SOME ARE REPORTING THAT WHEN EXPOSED TO FIRE THE NINTENDO SWITCH MAY CATCH ON FIRE.

I hadn’t heard about the bent docks thing, I hope you get yo taken care of!

That’s fair, but if that’s the case isn’t that just normal wear and tear? I assumed that at some point I would get scratches on it because that’s the nature of something that’s portable.

I’ve had a Switch since launch, I move it from the dock a few times a day and there are no scratches from the dock. How the hell are people putting this thing in that it’s scratching the screen? And the exhaust port is on the top, where the hell are these people placing it that they’re worried about blocking the vent?

I feel like the Padres 2017 record won’t be impacted that much.

He didn’t read it, Dunaway did. He seemed confused reading it, which is consistent with his story. Nobody should have any beef with Beatty.

No they don’t need to release the damn RNG for the loot boxes. The game doesn’t owe you anything.

Some of the best games I’ve ever seen were WBC games. All three of the Japan v. Korea games from the first WBC were amazingly tense and taught games from teams that knew each other’s strengths and weaknesses amazingly well.

If there is a pundit more wrong than Skip the universe will fold in on itself.

And the stars began to go out one by one.

Last time I watched it was 2012 I think. The NFL just became so odious.

I can answer this, there is a Women’s division and an everyone division but there is no men only division. The women’s only division is in place to encourage more women to play the game at a high level. It can feel less intimidating and it is a little more relaxed and social. The everyone division can feel like a


While certainly some people use the phrase as a platitude, there are almost always parralels between current events and the events of previous generations. At the very least, it provides foundation and context for our modern world.

I miss the days when that was the worst they would run in their “WW2 channel” days. Nowadays it’s aliens built every ancient monument and questionable historical dramas.

So, current Spider Heroes: Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Silk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Woman, and now there is Scarlet Spider and another hero in the pipeline. It’s a good thing the name Black Widow is taken otherwise that Aunt May would be a web-slinger.

One of the worries I’ve heard is that the DNC is hacked and their information is leaked to discredit and weaken their electoral chances. The RNC is hacked and their information is used for threats of blackmail in order to gain favors.