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Discovering Kamasi Washington has been the best part of 2018 for me.

Let’s all stop watching. You and I already do this, but let’s encourage more people to.

“Ach, You mean ze Sadboys!

This is a bad take, Goblins are one of many different low level baddies to throw at early level players and there is a lot of fun you can make with their personalities. Sometimes I use Goblins, sometimes Kobolds, my favorite are Wererats. It’s all in how you engage at those early points. Maybe you have a bad Dungeon

That is not how proponents claim homeopathic remedies work. Something that causes like symptoms will remedy those symptoms (like fights like) and the more diluted something is the stronger it gets. There are good things about alternative medicine, unfortunately virtually none of those things are what they use as

Good question, there has been a role reversal recently with Marvel and DC. DC was going through a couple of reboots that alienated long time fans and didn’t bring on enough new ones to make up for it. Rebirth (DC’s soft reboot that Marvel’s Legacy is being compared to) succeeded because they acknowledged what had

I like most of them but some are hit and miss.

“…saw fit to ignore their Rob Liefeld physiques…”

Glad you chose this, it’s my favorite song of theirs.

Because I haven’t seen this joke yet here it is:

Every time I think one of these lists can’t be worse than the last one… well we’ll se what the next one brings.

This is literally this guy’s only comment ever. This is the top comment on this article and there is a good chance this “person” is a trump-bot. Is there a way to check and delete the comments if confirmed?

Look man, I know this is a grimy cash grab.. This is a complete insult to both sports and a complete farce. I know that there is no way that McGregor can win- but! Since November 2016 we live in a fucking madhouse. Up is down, left is right, dogs meow and cats bark. And here is the thing, since the inmates are running

This and Civil War 2 are a one two disaster punch of lousy storytelling. Well said.

Woefully wrong and very inaccurate.

D.C. Has one monthly books that cost $4.99 an issue. Dark Knight III was 4.99, but that was a mini-series. I checked and Marvel seems to pepper a few $4.99 books here but they seem to be special editions, unless they really feel Dr. Strange is worth $4.99 an issue.

Counterpoint: It was a shitty game. I felt like I threw my $50 in the toilet when I bought it because it wasn’t entertaining. The “meta-commentary” on the last game, which meant borrowing Metal Gear Solid’s pattern and structure made it feel like a crummy rip off of the first game. The radio conversations with Rose

New game: Overwatch’s MLB corrolaries. Prince Fielder = Roadhog.

It sounds like a flimsy pretext for a Disney commercial.

My daughter was born about 6 1/2 weeks premature and the first 8 weeks of her life were non-stop hospital visits for her and mom. When she was about eight weeks, we left her at grandma’s house for a few hours so we could go see a movie and we chose Man of Steel. The movie was fine, we were entertained by it but we