
"How does this movie stack up against the 1980s cult classic?" does not need to be a question.

so... aliens?

heh- you made me literally "lol"

Heh- this update already gives i09 more journalistic integrity than 90% of cable news.

Me too! The guy has been on a roll, but he's been around enough to easily be an established director already.

Yikes- I thought it was a photo splice myself at first. Very well done.

Obesity. Hell- you don't have to go THAT far back in history to be shocked as to how non-fat people were.

I might check it out then- after Fringe clocks-out :(

Goddamn I miss me some Wonderfalls... time to rewatch the DVD"s....

Hmm- I remember when this show came out, and I watched one episode with the thought "they hell is this crap?"

I saw Jacob's Ladder when I was 12. That was a foolish foolish idea, that movie needs like 10 spots on this list.

uh... maybe the trailer looks better in... HD? Yeah... probably not.

Speed Racer is totally my *secret* love-to-watch-movie....

WHOA- dude that's insane!

Did anyone else have a Denny's that also had a bar in the back? The one in my home town still has it.

Heh, just like that tech Adobe showed off a year ago- except it seems like this guy used actual blurry photos as examples instead of post processed blurred photos that were sharp to begin with.

Ah I miss looking up things in Lurkers Guide to B5: http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/

I second that.

Hell's yeah! Party like it's 1999!

Heh yeah- played the hell out of Gal Civ II... I just want something newer, and moo-ier