
I totally agree. I like the the mini management and tweaking of everything in my games... but I don't want to count time units in my head again.

I really liked XP, it was a solid choice once it matured. However I would never go back to it, it's life cycle is dead.

All I need now:

"Combat can, despite its joys, start to feel like a chore 15 hours into a game"

Yep that's pretty much what I got out of it.

I think that's the reason I don't what much tv though- nothing good on :(

"Impossible Design?" I don't think so.


"how to buy" ??? Uh... "credit card?"

It isn't about honoring anyone- it's about money.

Looks like G. Gordon Liddy is President in 2099- YIKES.

Quick- someone make a teeny-tiny magnetic lens hood, and charge $50 for it!

Sorry- but the perspective is a little different when people abruptly as me "what are you." Followed up with "oh you're half asian, so your mom is asian right?" Because apparently when asian people intermingle with whites- it's "always" a white guy and an asian girl.

I'm half asian and half white- until somewhat recently in the last decade, I always had to put "other" or "you must pick one." Some progress to be able to "fill in the blank" or "mixed" instead of checking "other."

I use the tried and true 3-way-rubber (that sounded gross) lens hood to account for zooms + using it with multiple focal lengths. And it cost only $8 ;)

Is that a bayonet mount on it? If it were just in the standard filter threaded sizes- it would work most of the time on any lens.

hmmm- so "asia scary" and full of "commies"

calling this movie "film" is being generous.

heh I thought it was 113 too

I've been waiting 15 years ;)