For as judgmental as she is- she should have realized her employers are just as judgmental.
For as judgmental as she is- she should have realized her employers are just as judgmental.
awe... when I hit "MMO" I did this —-> :(
The first seasons of Earth Final Conflict and Heroes were fantastic TV. Then both went straight to the shitter fast.
Hey- I got into work 15 mins early today! What about my twitter posting?
hehehehheeeeee! It's wearing a little dress! ...I, uh... ahem.
Hah! I loved that show too! However, I think the fans of this show out there are slim pick'n's.
But he's waiting for us
You sir get a heart for that comment.
For those of you who have never seen the riff trax of BE: I highly recommend it.
aw- what up admiral buzz kill
Hah! I was about to unleash the hounds on you!
yes it would be, with shows like Fringe always on the ropes :(
I'm a Hulu watcher instead of a TV watcher... when the commercials for this pop up- I always cringe at how terrible it is. Also: unfortunately Hulu doesn't vary up the commercials much- so I've seen it about 3000 times already.
Yup. Gizmodo is a wasteland, articles and commenters.
Weird. Although I haven't' played the multiplayer, I always assumed it used your in game choices to determine things (war resources map etc). I guessed wrong.
Well... it's historically a solo game about story- so no, the Geth don't have to be a enemy faction in the game depending on the choices you made over 3 games....
Nah don't be sorry- that's spot on.
Maybe Romney owes McCain money?