
:) I know right? It is Kotaku after all- I'm surprised I haven't been told to f-off yet.

Some people seem to be missing the point- it's a platform for games, not a dedicated gaming console. Games are games. A controller doesn't need to be a handheld thing that vibrates and have 12 buttons on it in order to play a game, that's just silly.

Things like this happen all the time in research, it's not *too* different than comparing private research companies + University/non-profit research institutions. They even cross work with each other using resources etc.

Exactly. I like both movies as well- but I put them into totally different categories. One is cerebral, the other is action.

What really? Alien was one of the first movies to do those things that are cliche now- you're looking at it with 2012 eyes. At the time- it was amazing. Holds up well today with art direction as well.

Although I haven't seen the show (I know I know)- friends of mine that are into it are the types that usually *don't* like fantasy or science fiction in general. A good friend of mine hates Lord of the Rings- but absolutely love Game of Thrones. So I've always thought of it as a totally accessible Fantasy show for

Awe, I'm sad to hear that they were upset by it. Like I said- I'm glad they're doing it, but they are hilarious in the same sense that the original Trek was hilarious.

I miss Trek on TV... I've still got a few more months before I blow through DS9 on NetFlix... but then what?

Although his writing skills always left me a little "meh"- his ideas and plots always blew me away. 3001 for the most part was just his take on the far future- and was a fascinating read.

Only if Colin Ferrell does a Arnie style DVD commentary.

Heh- I should have said "re-watch." Classic.

I have to go watch Videodrome now.

But I can still do the 9-9-9 economic plan right? The pizza man said it was best.

AH yeah- great movie. And... his only good movie.

Heh! I needed a good laugh today!

Ah... maybe I gave up too early on this show. I'll give it another shot.

You know what? Screw Gizmodo, I'm not coming here anymore.

:) actually I think your answer was supposed to be "trolling troll detective trolly fail rebutted."

actually both can be used in the way it's reference above.

"Heh look at that Io9 article title, I need a good chuckle let me click on the st- OH GOD WHAT THAT HELL IS THAT!? NO!!!!!"