Kid's been handed money to ride the bench and act like a petulant ass. He hasn't shown humility since being traded. He hasn't been shat on, he's been given golden opportunities and has shown unwillingness to be flexible.
Kid's been handed money to ride the bench and act like a petulant ass. He hasn't shown humility since being traded. He hasn't been shat on, he's been given golden opportunities and has shown unwillingness to be flexible.
90% of law and order cases are based on real life events.
I saw some guy running a marathon in flip-flops once.
Is that why he has a white guitar?
OOOOh You're talking about the current President. For some reason I thought you were talking about Dubya
It's not arguing against a straw man, it's arguing against the technicalities behind word choice. Sure, you don't mean it that way, but it's still what you're saying. It's loaded word choice, coded speech.
So I guess we can both agree that Baltimore sucks
Hey! Just because I'm dumb and loud doesn't mean I...I forgot what I was going to say, where am I?
My wife is from Pittsburgh, I've converted her to the Caps, but I'm not even going near her love for the Steelers.
Calling someone a thief is different than calling them an illegal person though.
"I know how body armor works" — especially after reading my comment educating someone else, amirite?
No, you'd be contracting illegally. You're turning a person into a one dimensional caricature. It's like saying that because of that comment you're an "asinine internet post."
We should come up with a bunch of things that we could tell Ke$ha are probably good for her.
Ah, at first reading of your comment it seemed a little hostile. Not so much this time around.
You're getting tropes confused with genres. No, nothing I mentioned were genres and teens misbehaving is not a genre.
It's dehumanizing for starters. If you violate zoning rules, you've made an illegal building. You're not an illegal contractor.
Why do Spielberg's movies revolve around Daddy issues? Why is Michael Bay obsessed with people's feet while they are running?
Gotta love the Paralyzer. Sometimes I watch the Hendricks vs Thomas shoot out if I'm having a bad day.
You are a disgusting human being (playfully noted, out of spite of the pens) :)