Can we get a Dela-what-WHAT, because earlier today the First State became the eleventh state to legalize same-sex…
I find that two tier systems like that do undermine real victims.
It's a shame that GMs these days only want to know how far you can punt a football.
Pro tip: If you're going to use somebody else's pee to try and weasel your way out of a drug test, don't borrow pee…
This little piggy fell off,
Some of the nurses were upset after seeing the injury, but refrained from crying in front of the producer since he was already running low on tissue.
Dr. Chao's prescription of 'some courage' isn't having the desired healing effects yet.
There are two issues here, greys.
We'll call him what we want you bitch. Shit, RGIII loves us (Skins fans) more than he loves you; he will get paid whether it's you writing the checks or not.
Except that the Sabbath is on Saturday not on Sunday.
This looks like a job for Kenneth Faried.
Agreed, and there was probably some element of that involved. But you shouldn't have to do that for a starting QB at this level. That's some Pop Warner shit.
NBA free agent Jason Collins, who played his college ball at Stanford and has been bouncing around the league for…
Exodus is much more fitting.
He was probably worried someone was going to be at his doorstep for a tap-in if he didn't try something even if the risk/reward percentage wasn't in his favor.
Two takeaways: Yu Darvish is really good (notice that his release point is the same on every pitch), and hitting a…
Hey Bey: We need to discuss this photography firewall your camp has recently attempted to erect around you. First of…
Sorority values?