Mister Sterling

That was a lot. We got thrown into this town and everything happening in it. Some things we get, other things we’ll understand later. I really liked the clue-linking montage when Liz Danvers spots the pink parka in the case photos. Well done. But yes, thanks to Mare of Easttown and Yellowjackets, I am prepared for

Agreed. This series fired on all cylinders for just a few episodes in season one. Unfortunately I think that's how people will remember it.

I can't rule out the possibility that this series will be canceled. It's an unbalanced series and the pace of storytelling is also inconsistent. Lewis wanted out early and got her wish. That doesn't bode well.

Time to sue Rogers for every NFL dollar he has collected, Jimmy.

Banning medicine is unconstitutional. It’s too late to reverse any of this in our lifetimes. We are such shits for letting this happen. What was eating our attention while the GOP banned medicine?

I'm amazed that something like this has not yet happened in front of a Broadway theater in Manhattan.

This incident has been completely misrepresented by the news media. NBC News reported that this was just outside Times Square right after the ball dropped (not accurate). They didn’t even mention it was the result of a police chase. Just some random terrorist mowing down people. And we winder why people outside of NYC

I have written this before here. I am very envious of Obama. He sleeps well at night. He slept well under Trump. Assuming his ass isn’t dragged to a prison camp when Trump comes back, he will continue to sleep well. Very few of us have been sleeping well since Trump came down that escalator. Think about everything

We should remind ourselves that somehow, the regular rules of campaigning do not apply to Donald Trump. This Civil War blunder is ending Haley’s campaign. Trump has done thousands of worse things at campaign events and remains unscathed? Let’s change that. Also, it is pretty to me that Trump will refuse to debate Joe

As red as Florida is, it isn’t as uniformly white and fascist like Idaho or the Dakotas. I don’t think a 6-week ban will stick in Florida. I might even show some optimism and think that one day the 15-week ban can be repealed. That current ban is severely hurting Florida medical schools and hospitals. Florida, a state

What did Manhunter, the best of the best Thomas Harris movie adaptations, do to get knocked down so low? This list does prove one thing. Michael Mann is somewhat underrated. He has a better filmography overall than Christopher Nolan!

It took us 33 years to figure out the biggest criticism I had of the film when I was 17 and it was a new release? Ridiculous. Here are two reasons why Home Alone is rubbish: one percenters, and lots of screaming. John Hughes made at least 4 good movies. Maybe 5. We know their names. This is one of the worst things he

Onion-level self-parody aside, it is time for a revolution in this country. We’re sick of Trump and Biden and Dobbs? Great. Let’s revolt. It will feel good.

IAWL square on addresses something that has been true since the 19th century - that Christmastime is for many, a terrible, depressing time. Lack of sunlight is a factor. But there’s so much more. In Mike Leigh’s Naked (1993) a lonely character asks our anti-hero what he’s going to do for Christmas. In one line, the

Boom. Yes.

A great list overall. Kudos for Tokyo Godfathers, Black Christmas and Gremlins. Despite the explicit racism, I have a thing for Holiday Inn, which starts and ends on New Year’s Eve and is a Christmas film to a degree. But I have always loved how the best Christmas films are the darkest. Christmas Carol and Wonderful

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say he wasn’t healthy nor happy. His memoir admits as much. Also, can we end this memorializing? It has been two months and this is not -repeat, not- the death of a Gen X icon. That would be Mr. Kurt Donald Cobain, over 29 years ago. Just stop.

Te NYPD has a slightly larger air force. So this gives us an idea of the emissions in the nation’s largest city. Also, NYC is twice the size of L.A. in terms of population, but the policing budget is nearly triple that of L.A, if we include overtime pay.

I have been falling for shooters with unique art designs my whole adult life. ZPC in 1996. XIII in 2003. Mouse in 2025. If the historic pattern holds, Mouse will be remembered for the art more than the gameplay.

Look, General, be more honest. You are doing this so you can collect data on occupants and sell it to data brokers. I might agree to those terms if you gave me a base Camaro for free. It’s just ridiculous that a corporation as large and as profitable as GM still has this drive to collect and sell data about the humans