Mister Sterling

Nothing can diminish what Snowden achieved in 2013. He showed those of us willing to look and listen that Obama was expending a domestic spying program he inherited from Bush 43. He chose to expand it. The NSA can find your every text, every email, evey call, every web search, every keystoke. All in the name of

What, is Trump going to execute Fauci on the South Lawn? Fine. It might just hand Biden Georgia. Fauci will not have died in vain.

Fauci should call his bluff and ask Trump to fire him now.

Which raises the question, why doesn’t Carlson just straight-up lie and make shit up? Sure, we have defamation laws, but Biden is busy winning a campaign. Just lie, and ride this lies, kids. It’s like the White House backpedaling their claim that Trump defeated COVID-19. Go with it! Say he did! You have full clearance

This is so weird. And it wasn’t on my Bingo card. I still have:

What?? this is coming from a president who insists that all of our Allies pay us to host our bases or to be our friends? The same president who suggested that the Feds extort the US buyer of TikTok? What bullshit.

You’re right. We are faking it. When Giuliani is found dead in a hotel room, we will fake our sympathy as well.

Cancel the third debate as well. It is time to vote. So VOTE.

I was disappointed that Harris had long wind-ups and didn’t answer some questions (like what would she and Biden do if Trump refused to accept defeat). But ya know what, it doesn’t matter. If we all vote, Trump is going to lose by 10 Million votes. We’re looking at the first Democratic landslide since FDR, people.

Wait, directed by Bill Duke? I’m in.

There is a constitutional difference between wishing someone dies and making a death threat. The former is free speech. The latter is not. So with that in mind, was this 1945 Time cover in bad taste? Really?

What if that really was the last Trump tweet? One can dream.

Counterpoint. You can’t expect all of us progressives to be battered and beaten this much since Bush v. Gore and expect us to “go high.” Kindness didn’t defeat the Third Reich or Pol Pot. Since Trump will never be prosecuted for his crimes, I want him to die. Death is for the man who gets away with everything.

Trump is strong and thrives on chaos. So he doesn’t strike me as someone who would succumb to the illness. But it is not disrespectful to wish he does. He doesn’t respect us. None of us, actually.

The debates will be canceled. Thank goodness. In fact, the campaigning might be over.

Constitutionally, Pence would take over and the election would still happen. Pence would serve a full term if Trump is re-elected. I think Pence will have to take over temporarily if Trump is hospitalized.

Trump’s performance pleased 60 million male voters. That isn’t enough to win the election. Full stop. Biden is going to fucking destroy him.

Attacking Biden’s family was strategy. But Trump did seem totally confused that there was once a second Biden son.

But if you mention how tall Barron has gotten, expect to be SHOT!

Biden could have paused and said, “I’m talking now.” Or Wallace could have suspended the debate and called a time out. A lot of things could have happened, but this is all hindsight.

But mentioning Barron is off-limits, got it.