
What sort of sad individual would actually spend money on this? It’d be easier and cheaper to just write ‘I’m a massive tool’ on your forehead with a permanent marker

Would you still be complaining if it had been any other legal road user moving too slowly for you? A granny meandering along on her Buick? A couple of Amish dudes in a horse & buggy? What were you doing overtaking when there was oncoming traffic? Your job is to overtake safely. You pull out when it’s safe, not try to

News at 11! Coupe looks better than sedan.

Preach. The Elmiraj was and still is absolutely stunning with unapologetic brand distinction. This Escala is blase at best, and just because they unveiled a shiny new bobble, Cadillac should not be encouraged.

The powerdome hood scupture is the best thing about the Elmiraj along with the similar way they handled the decklid. That lended a lot of heritage that connects with classic models without having it look retro or old fashioned. The Escala does not try hard enough with this aspect. It might as well be a hood for a

And I felt like that was a step below the Ciel...

I think it’s the un-apologetically vertical lighting elements. The Escala looks like a Cadillac Audi Prologue remix.

That’s a labor of love. I can think of no less than 9,000 better ways to spend my time. Among those 9,000 things: Becoming the country’s foremost 3rd amendment expert (are these troops? is there a war? is this my house?), trying to break the world record for speed husking corn, inventing deep sea hang gliding, and

Will the various states renew registrations for unfixed vehicles?

Join the club

I love me some van. Is that wrong?

If it is, I don’t wanna be right.

To a point. Would I drop $5000 on a guitar just starting out? No.

yeah - I’m smelling a little sandbagging on the output of the R. Or, maybe the VW engineers came up with a device that lays on another couple pounds of boost when it detects a Focus RS in the lane next to it....

Country music is good man! Just not the stuff that they play on the radio

In short, British people have screwed themselves up so badly that they now will all have less money, which means less money to spend on cars, which includes American cars.

Well, now that Evans has been fired by the BBC too, he can join the tour and make certain of that.

Was Johnny Cash working the line, snitching a part a day from the shop? Supplying the mish-mash of parts for this weird car.

It looks like a Fiat Multipla had angry sex with an early Honda Insight.

Agreed - the RX is more of the “I’m older, refined, and just don’t want to deal with anything. I want to get from A to B in something that looks nice, is comfortable, and will outlive a cockroach in a nuclear holocaust.”