
It really depends on where you are going. But the writer of the article does a good job laying out everything you should consider before you make the fly/drive decision.

We just did the math on a trip to CO to visit my daughter in September. We were planning driving out from ATL to DEN and points beyond, doing some

Driving in hilly terrain, this definitely works. And the effect is even more pronounced if you’re towing something. Your speed will vary a lot when doing this and it can be annoying in heavy traffic. Cruise control only wants to make sure you are going the same speed all the time with no thought about minimizing use

Get it right.

Herschel Walker is running for Senate.
Kemp’s main primary opposition is former senator David Perdue.

I seriously at the Taxas a couple of years ago. One area that I think could use improvement is the cushions for the seating/sleeping areas. They are much to thin and hard for my tastes. And they aren’t going to be easy or cheap to upgrade like my current camper. Which is why I now have a nice residential queen sized

I think they mean “operating bilge pump.” Every boat takes on water, especially those in the water all the time that have not had any maintenance done on them in years. There are water intakes all over the place, even on a sealed pressure hull. Any one of them could leak at any time. There’s also the stuffing boxes

My 97 Taurus gave great service from new. I sold it to my dad at 60,000 miles and he drove it to 130,000, then it went to my sister until she finally got rid of it after 180,000 miles. No major mechanical problems along the way, but the interior got really ratty. Most of that was my sister’s fault however. 

My guess is the 2 mpg on water is an exaggeration. I’ve own and have owned a number of real boats that can barely manage that kind of fuel economy. And they don’t have a draggy wheeled undercarriage beneath.

This thing has been around for a long time. I saw it on display at a boat show maybe 25 years ago. It was pretty stupid then and now. Amphibious vehicles make sense only for the first few minutes of a D-day-type invasion. 

It’s not about what something costs, it’s about what it’s worth to the customer and what he’s willing to pay. Which equals more profit.

Look up ‘customer value managment’. The CVM concept explains why we’ll pay $5 for a cup of coffee at Starbucks for something with a variable cost of a very few cents.

I love these things. Had them on three different Fords and they are wonderful. It would have been nice to have them on my Subaru a couple of months ago when I was launching my boat. I had the boat and trailer backed down the ramp and in the water when I jumped out to complete the process. As I got out I reflexively

I was surprised to see dozens and dozens of  Trump flags on boats in Pensacola in March 2019. It’s only gotten more prevalent since. There’s a strong Trumpkin strain in the powerboating public.

There’s a ton of them on my inland lake now. After one Trump flotilla drew 200 boats early this summer, two weeks ago Trump


Some of you people are awful. A typical dealership employs how many people? 25? 45? or more?

Every dealership that goes out of business takes away the mortgage payments and health insurance of the folks that work there. That’s a tragedy and a disaster. 

The problem is he fucks the company, the shareholders, the stakeholders, and the employees, kills a bunch of hapless civilians and he still gets the big payday. That’s a bad contract and Something Needs to be Done ™. 

Yes, it’s a great movie. But it’s about Thanksgiving. Even so we’ll be watching it again sometime this week. 

Most airports in the US don’t have boarding announcements except in the gate where that particular flight is boarding. But in the USA things are arranged differently than nearly all the big European airports I’ve been to (Heathrow, Gatwick, Schipol, Rome, CDG, and HEL) where you passengers stay in a common terminal

Which is pretty much every airport larger than 4 gates.... 

I’ve rented several of the stable-mate to the Navigator Ford Expeditions in the last few months. In the Limited trim, they are simply fabulous vehicles. I wand one so bad.

But I’ve learned even though the Expedtion Max extended version is available on the Emerald Aisle, don’t take if you know you’ll be in a parking

Toyota Sienna. Best. Family. Car. Ever.

We’d still be driving our 2004 for another 4 years at least if it had not been totaled last year.

The 2018 Explorer that replaced it is a lot nicer inside and can tow more, but otherwise inferior in almost every way. 

I was at the game last night and the folks around me all agreed Ronald lollygagged what should have been a double. Admittedly we thought it was going out too.

We didn’t notice the HR trot because we were all going nuts.

But he should really take a hint from his buddy Ozzie Albies who hustles like a demon on every