Robin Swope

Ya gotta get it at church, and in very very tiny portions....

I love Will Smith, but isn’t the Genie basically a slave? Why a black man? I’m confused and offended.

Im on medicaid. It gives me options but to tell you the truth as someone who lives in poverty medical access was a LOT easier and a LOT better before Obamacare. I get free prescriptions, but I did before or had very low cost. I had access to medicine that I no longer have because they are not covered. No kidding, and

That judge need to face trail himself.

I remember a few years back when Jon Stewart was on and someone made an off cuff comment about not trusting the Government. Everyone was pro Obama at the time and had rose colored glasses on, the audience hissed, like they expect a group of privileged rich people to be stalwart defenders or rights and democracy, lol

I played the heck out of this game during study breaks at college in the 80s. It was simple but it was good!

Addicted to Old Spice deodorant...

John Oliver has ego so he probably has something in a closet. Captain America will never fail us. The current Tom Hanks is the 5th clone of the original. He died filming Forest Gump. Shrimp allergy.

Such optimism makes life worth living.

This Cosmos was a very flawed show, the focus against religion was a weird under current. It was a show that seemed to want to prove social points as much as scientific fact and it made it a drain to watch. I liked Tyson, but it was obvious that he was a privileged alpha male, and those types view crossing sexual

Now with the Thing they can do a Marvel Two in

American politics today is about poker and we are the chips.

I call BULLSHIT! Your Halloween is divisive and exclusionary! ANY costume by ANYONE is having the spirit of Halloween. Just so you leave an apple on Grandma’s grave to remember her...THAT is the real meaning of Halloween. AND MY GRANDMOTHER WAS A SUPERHERO! so there!

I bet they find more than candy has been traded in....

Hollywood has lost its Mojo baby. The suits have control and the art is suffering.

Wait, isn’t that also the universal symbol for an Asshole?

Wait, isnt the looting being done by Corporate Monopolies on the poor and weak? I bet they are having a real riot with all the cash.

The ramp is in sight for Disney to jump the shark with the Marvel franchise.

As a pastor, you would not believe the stuff I see. If there are any ministers out there who aren’t in it for power or money; I dont see ‘em. The crap I see church people in power do, makes me want to give up on humanity at times. Doesn’t matter what affiliation, Progressive or Evangelical. Most people get in religion

I write in the genre, and Bigfoot is weird. How can you capture or kill something that doesnt act like it’s really there? Many trackers have followed prints, even in the snow and they just disappear, the tracks stop and no signs of where the thing responsible for the tracks could have gone. Something odd, but which