Robin Swope

VERY well said!

It’s about time people stood against hysteric moral policing that was once only the dire tendrils of the Moral Majority and has now become hip and a ‘movement’ of misunderstanding and judgment that falsely empowers those who want to control others.

I’m more disturbed by Raven’s hair coloring. I hope it’s to show a hint of brightness in the Trigon gloom.

Who cares about skin color? I personally am disturbed by changing the characters personalities that we have come to know and love. Brooding Robin is for the birds.

As a fan of both the Titans shows (and dreading the dark live action tv show coming up) this is good news! Great review by the way! Titans Go can make a dark day smile for a bit, and it’s good to see a lighthearted DC movie to break the primal grimace of Warner Brothers Execs.

Simon Pegg as Captain Britain would be just as bad as what he did to Scotty.


You know, the call to action for this moment is to write Disney and complain. Do something, not just bitch about it or the ass hats who caused it.

Blind hate only brings blind judgment

There have been attacks on the right as well. Both political parties are in a cage match at the moment. And the citizens are being ignored and used for their tax money like always. Sometimes you only notice the battle when someone you care about is wounded. But one thing that I don’t understand if he was forthcoming

I have to say this, it takes an effort to make a company’s lightest and most endearing comedy franchise into a dark morbid puddle of angst.

Unvaccinated kids are a breeding ground for Poltergeists.

Ah Privilege, you are a vile mistress.

Oh, this ain’t a white boy.

Privileged white Evangelicals always have pathetic excuses for their moral shortcomings.

Well, every well must run dry eventually...

The problem is that science is flexible, ego’s and theories are often not. But science is tied to human understanding and thus in a constant flux of evolution of concepts and ideas. The flaw of most science today is that it is tied to money and capitalistic principles and new discoveries are pushed aside because they

So facts aren’t good enough huh? lol That is the problem with the most of the US, if you dont think like I do, it’s not real. That has lofted many illusions to many empty people. Get out more, the air is nice outside.

Recent Pew Research shows the world is becoming increasingly less religious, but more people believe in the supernatural. Marvel is afraid of the supernatural and paranormal, but the world seems to be ready for it. They should unbind themselves.

Maybe he really is the alternate universe Bareil...he had at least a little swagger to him.