
AOC has this right - it IS hostage taking.

Republicans insisted on attaching this to a must-pass bill. Dems succeeding in getting rid of most of the really bad stuff, but there’s only so much you can do when dealing with a corrupt and sociopathic party that holds the Senate majority.

Look, the important thing is that implicitly, we now know the rest of the services aren’t “guardians”. So I guess that’s useful.

Christ, what idiots these people are. It’s the (complete joke of a) Space Force, call them “Spacers”. This could only have gotten dumber if they called them Jedi.

I’m really sad that it came down to this. The console versions (though maybe not on PS5 XBSX?) are pretty whack, but the PC version is really good. Slightly buggy for me, but really good. :/

I don’t think that’s quite true, actually: FO76 has a pretty committed player base and has made a good amount of money through various deals and the in-game store for (mostly) cosmetics.

Wastelanders also got them a lot of good press and a bunch of new players, many of whom paid for the game up front. I don’t think

I’m excited for the game, but this trailer just seems.... awful. Like, everything I hate about game trailers rolled into one. :/

And the One Pump Chump is kind of fantastic for another 5 levels, if it’s the gun I’m thinking of.

Ah, I don’t know. I thought I would LOVE RGO, but when I played it I had real issues with the combat. It’s either trivial or near impossible, and there are some design decisions that really confuse me. Also, the voice actor for the main character bugs me :)

Interestingly, the lightsaber combat frequently took a lot more than one hit (unless you were using heavy stance or got the ‘behind the back stab’ from the light stance).

I might have to check this out. I’d gotten something like 95% completion with Days Gone and I’d wanted to find and excuse to make it my first platinum. Maybe this’ll do it.

Pretty much. I think upgraded stealth and pistol to near max and the game combat becomes trivial.

You can go completely invisible mid-fight and just wreck people, then take cover and wait for your cooldown.

But that’s fine! I wasn’t there for the combat encounters.

No kidding. I was pretty consistently hyped for basically all of their announcements - even the things I normally don’t care much about (Smash announcements, etc.) went over really well.

They kept it short and very sweet. And a number of surprise announcements, like the Secret of Mana collection. And that last bit with

Goddamn it. Looks like I’m buying Witcher 3 again.

This patch unblocked me, which I’m really thankful for. The only audio bug I’ve encountered since was not getting my motorcycle engine sounds once, and when I got off and remounted it was working again. <shrug>

I’m really happy to be unblocked, though. I really love this game - it’s one of my most favorite in years.


Right? It was a nice exposition dump spread out over the game and in a context that made sense.

Oddly, this is about as far from my experience as it can get. The stealth missions were easy (and I was throwing rocks, so I don’t know what happened there), but they tell you some really flavorful things about how the freakers function and watching the NERO grunts get slowly more freaked out about the situation was

This game needs more Jesse. Glad she’s in the trailer. :)

No problem. Garriot is a pretty cool dude, actually - he did a short interview awhile back about MMOs and it was kind of fascinating. :)

Well, what you're paying for now is donating to the game development, and they give you something in return. I'm not sure what you'd expect them to do - just not accept more money

Good news! I'm pretty sure that's what they're doing. Many of the stretch goals aren't launch features - like procedurally generated space, cities, planets, etc. That's a big one (and fairly early in the stretch goal list) and it's definitely not a launch feature.

And something like this... I honestly don't think this

So, uh. The team is huge. 200+ people. Last I heard, around 250 or so.

I'm not particularly worried about the game. Basically: almost everything up to this point is foundational for later work. As in: You can fly ships and walk around. They got that working in a beautiful and detailed way. Everything ELSE they're

Also sad: The splitscreen mode is a 2-player Horde Mode only. You can't hope online with it, with the second player as a guest.