
Yep. I have a launch 60GB PS3, and it's never given me any problems.

I have both a PS4 and a XB1 pre-ordered, though I'm not really sure why. Haven't seen anything that really grabbed me yet gamewise, at least not for launch. So I suppose I'm buying it on faith: that the games will be there, and that the platform won't

This. I tend to pick up a lot of things for the Wii U I wouldn't otherwise, because the GamePad features are generally captivating and genuinely interesting. Currently I can't decide whether to play Watchdogs on PS4 or Wii U.

Would be really tempted to pick this up at $30 to replay it. Am less tempted for $50, but I

Clearly VI and I'm appalled you would even ask this question. Have you no decency, sir?

7's graphics WERE pretty impressive at the time, though I remember (after playing through Wild ARMs the previous week) being really surprised at how awful the frame rate/animations were in the battles. Stopped noticing after a few days, but it was jarring at the time.

That's what worries me most - this probably dooms a real remake, which I've been wanting since... well, basically since the original DS came out. :)

Nope. Right there with ya: the designs for FFV were fairly awful.

As it turns out - you CAN still buy digital copies at Gamestop. That's how I got mine. :P

I have to admit I never played WA3 - just missed it for some reason. 1 was phenomenal, though. And 2 was pretty excellent. I did play some of 5, which I liked.

Given how lame the last Star Ocean was (and I really wanted to like it!) I'm not too sad about it. I absolutely loved the first two - just like Wild ARMs, but all the other sequels were just too weird/lackluster. :(

Would love to see sequels for all of these so long as they do them right.

You can get this on GOG.com, actually. It's amazing.

Nerp. Totally buying it. Loved the original, even bought a new copy of it to replace my lost one about a year ago.

I mean, I love my Wii U in general, but this is going to be on giant awesome nostalgia trip. Even better, since my wife played Ocarina and Twilight Princess but not Wind Waker. She's in for a treat. :)

Have to agree. I actually put a bunch of time into this back when it released - it's a really good timesink, driving around on an ATV is a blast, and the co-operative missions are a lot of fun, if not particularly hard.

No kidding. This game just looks amazing - it's the first MMO I've actually looked forward to in a long time. Well, since SWTOR, actually. This has tons more personality, and the game systems all just make sense in a really fascinating way.

Also, animation and art styles rock, etc.

Well, it's branching storylines for those characters, NOT for the game as a whole. Basically, depending on how you interact with your wife and ask her to act as Empress, the situations she causes/gets into will change.

There might be a couple of game-wide story changes, but I'm not sure.

You really do have to earn each victory. The Dragon is actually pretty limiting - you only want to bring it out every once in awhile, because your ability to finely control your armies and production is pretty much shot while using it.

But yeah, even on Normal mode the AI ended up surprising me a few times. It's good.

Agreed. Actually really loved this game - the individual areas are very linear, but the mechanics were great. I WAS pissed at the ending, though. It's very sudden and basically a "we'll write a sequel if this sells well!" ending that doesn't resolve much.

And yet you're stuck working deals on twitter. You poor man. :)

Yeah. I bought two bags of the Sriracha the other day.

I've never actually tried Chicken and Waffles - the actual dish OR the chips. Never really appealed. The wife loves them, though. Maybe it's genetic - she's got ties to Kentucky. :)

You're having trouble locating Lay's Chicken and Waffle flavored chips? My local safeway has well over 50 bags of the stuff.

So if you need more, I totally know a guy. Me.

Likewise. This game looks amazing, AND let's me indulge my nintendo fanboyism. :P