
NOLF 1 has some interesting problems running on Vista or later computers. You can do it, but it requires a bit of poking around.

The real problem is LOCATING these games. :(

Allright - Defiance is a great buy for $14, especially if you like the show. I had a lot of fun for about a month playing that, and I'll likely go back to it later this Summer.

Cheap Endless Space is also a good thing. :)

Yeah. I was also confused by this - for example, her arm is also clearly infected with the same mutated strain. Why can't they take sample of that, and infect someone else? Or just use samples of that?

I did feel like the ending dilemna was a little shoehorned in. Though the resolution of it (Joel's decisions) felt

10 bucks say they announce the next 6 mobile games and ignore big console releases. Maybe a remake of FF5,6, or 7.

Anyone else think the voice in the video was Bob Page? It really sounded like it to me.

Hopefully it's a sequel showing the aftereffects of DX:HR - that's interesting territory that doesn't have any real background information in DX 1 or 2.

It means we're likely to get less shovelware, this is true. It will probably still be over-produced messes, but if they've got 3 studios working on games, then odds are one of those will be pretty good.

Yeah. But I don't think EA gets Lucasart's assets, just the rights to dev/publish new star wars games. They'd have to pay extra for it, and EA probably wants to work on their own projects first.

Which sucks, true. I'd have loved to have Assault.

This would actually make me buy SSX.

Yes, please let us know! I've actually been considering getting a bunch of friends together for some X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter goodness.

I kind of doubt it - the new pieces are provisional - they haven't even been fully licensed yet. Don't think they'd let outside people play with 'em, even if they are Whil Wheaton. :P

I'll admit that my 3DS is still getting a real workout. Between Etrian Odyssey IV, Fire Emblem, and Luigi's Mansion I wouldn't put the thing down if I didn't have to work. That said, the Vita is a beautiful little machine and I'll probably pick those PSN games up on your recommendation. Thanks! :)

I had that problem for the first 30 minutes or so that I played - I bought it on a hunch on the PC. But after that first 30, then it has a real personality. I was bugged that it might be Borderlands Lite, but as I play it more I actually think it's a much better shooter than BL, though not necessarily a better game.

I've got all the consoles and handhelds, and I admit I'm really tempted to pick up Guacamelee. But I've got so, so many games to play. >_<

Gah! I had no idea. Thought it was local only. :(

Yes! Luigi's Mansion is great - it may be the most charming game I've ever played, and it happens to be really fun as well. Only wish I had 3 buddies with it nearby so I could sink my teeth into the multiplayer.

I played a metric assload of Defiance. Really enjoying that game, with or without my friends - the shooting mechanics are pretty good, and there's always a ton of stuff to do. And just driving around on an ATV making jumps really brings me back to my carefree PS2 gaming days. :)

Also totally agree. Me and a few friends who bought it are having a blast - tons of fun, especially once you unlock the co-op missions. Even PVP is pretty fun, though the Cloak power is a little overpowered for it.

Maybe we'll get 80's Vaas! With a cyber mohawk or something.

Just going to go on the record that I really don't like the new commenting system >_<

So basically, the game plays like asynchronous co-op. If you're not deliberately grouping with people, you're playing an open-world third person shooter with missions where other players just happen to be on the same mission you are at times, and you co-operate. I can count the number of times I've deliberately