Mister Bump

I agree with Sylvester - it’s about how they actually are perceived by me, the player, not what goes on internally in the code that matters - Lo was just looking for an excuse for some clickbait if you ask me.

5 year old game with a minor lick of paint still looks like a 5 year old game. Might be a revelation for console users, but visually this is a big step backwards from properly modded original Skyrim on PC.

People still play this?? Seriously??!??

Awww, look at all the dirty pirates coming out to defend their stealing!

The seeds in Minecraft are based on exactly the same maths as NMS - there are 18 quintillion Minecraft seeds and each one is much bigger the planets in NMS. So Minecraft (sorta) wins.

To be honest, this looks like something they’ve been working on for a while and then they’ve gone “Opps, Kojima has left, what can we do with the MGS IP? Oh I know - there’s the survival game with no licence yet, we’ll slap MGS on that! Boom!”

I don’t think this is as major as you’re making out - all the other Dunuvo games were cracked eventually too - if anything, this is a huge win, as it’s taken fricken forever for Tomb Raider to be cracked. If it takes 6 months for every PC game to be cracked, PC piracy will slowly wither and die. Sure, some people will

Looks amazing - I never played it. I assume it is cross buy yes?

I’m still really confused about how this is all planned to work? How many movies are planned? And TV show? Is that still a thing? If so, how and what - is that expected to have all the big stars in it too? And awesome though MM’s casting as The Man in Black is, he’s actually not in the books that much - mostly in

Eeeeeeeeeee! So bad! So bad it makes my skin crawl! Rape of my childhood aside, what was Spielberg thinking?!?

And as expected, the Assassin Costumes, that look so great in a game, look complete arse in real life.

Holy crapballs that looks bad! What was Fassbender thinking?!?

I can understand Blizzard doing that, as those games are online reliant. Doom’s main pull is it’s single player campaign, so it doesn’t wash. I’m certainly not pre-ordering - I will be waiting for reviews and have a feeling it’s not going to be pretty.

This is hilarious and I love it - good on them!

Oh boy, that looks REALLY bad!

Oh man, the cocky emote one is pure gold!

Fucking horse shit. Sony are making money hand over fist with the PS4 and they couldn’t wear one bad launch/unprofitable release? Not to mention the fact the game was probably released in the mess it was due to Sony forcing the release to happen even though the game wasn’t ready.

Still looks completely amazing. So glad it’s coming to PC too. I’ll be all over this.

Not only is this a terrible idea, it also means that movies will be available in a pristine digital format from day 1 for the pirates to rip off and put up on torrent sites, rather than dodgy hadicam rips, making going to the cinema even LESS likely for anyone!

“Perceived” my arse. It was horribly homophobic, which, unfortunately, is quite common in Japan.