Mister Bump

Jesus. Somebody save from parents so impressed with the fact they managed to reproduce they have to do shit like this.

Loving my PS4 so far. Really enjoyed DR3 on XBO, but it wasn't quite enough yet to make me overlook all the other problems I have with the system. I'll certainly be getting one next year though; hopefully by then, at least some of those issues will have been fixed.

So, basically; we're a big company owned by Google now, so we don't actually give a fuck about any of the small guys that made YouTube a success any more, we're just interested in keeping all the giant content providers who have finally realised this is the future happy instead.

Exactly. Have YouTube themselves offered any word, or statement on what's been happening?

That's mostly taken from the Ozone Bar at the top of the ICC - I've had an (overpriced) cocktail up there - great view! And HK isn't that smoggy - not compared to a lot of cities (even US cities!) - but it is very cloudy and foggy!

I've played all of the above games on both consoles on my home TV, and I now play them only on PS4. Why? I like the controller, sure, but mostly it's because, with the exception of Need for Speed: Rivals, the PS4 versions all look noticeably better. (Rivals looks about the same on both.) Battlefield 4 is a

Is twitter fucked? Every time I go to sign up for a new account it tries to get me to download a mobile version!! In both IE and Chrome!!

Haha, thanks - and yeah, no kids.....yet...

Nah, I'm in NZ! :) Soul Sacrifice would have been nice - maybe next month, eh Sony...?

Oh. My. Gosh. That looks so bad.

Downloaded it this morning. Played for 10 minutes. Deleted. Bit of a shame. Also didn't help that the rather excellent Sonic Racing was out free to download on my Vita this morning - Go! did not compare favourably!

This changes nothing - having a bit of a sale and increasing the earn potential of a loyalty program to not address the fact that the entire system has been broken in order to shoehorn in 'micro' transaction. I say 'micro', but seeing as some of the cars cost more than the fucking game, I think macro transactions

Dude, even without the update it took nearly 10x longer for AC4 to install - that is definitely WAY too long!

If you want a game console that does a lot of cool-but-unproven non-gaming stuff, get an Xbox One. The Xbox One is something different. It's the most ambitious gaming console ever released, mostly because it wants to be so much more than just a gaming console. If you watch a lot of movies and streaming TV, and want

Edge: Draw. Xbox Smartglass has got the PlayStation app beat handily, but the PS4's ability to beam games to the Vita is awfully cool. I'm not yet convinced we need this second-screen smartphone stuff in games, but I'm ready to be. Convince me, video game people.

Edge: For fuck's sake, guys. Make your consoles backward compatible.

Good luck! :)

It is a Sony VPL-HW50ES. SXRD (LCOS) 1080p 3D. It's amazing, I love it to bits - and so quiet!

Thank you very much :D It's not really that special compared to some of the astonishing home cinemas you can fine on places like avforums, but I'm pleased with it.

Haha, I know, but that one is so good on it's own a second one would just be overkill, even if it did balance up the room nicely!