Mister Bump

Yeah, that is an issue, but I have a full time job and a wife, so I can't game as much as I used to, so that 2000 hours should last me a few years. Plus the lamps are nowhere near as expensive as they used to be!

:) Like I said - only just finished 2 weeks ago - and kinda cleaned me out for a few months! The eventual plan is to get 2 single seaters to match the current sofa, to go one on each side - but yeah, often it's just me, or just me and the missus, so I'm not in a huge rush - PS4 and new Oppo BluRay player take

Oh, and games/DVD/BluRay store if yer interested:

PS4 doesn't arrive until Friday in this part o' the world. But the games room is all ready to receive it! Was only finished about 2 weeks ago!

I miss Dollhouse so bad ;_;

America is so great. Utter morons own high powered rifles. Who wouldn't want to live there?

If you say so. Personally I doubt there will be much in it apart from better lighting. And better resolution of course. Oh, no, not that one....

If all you want is playability, just get it on current gen, surely? the whole point of spending money on next gen is increased graphics performance. If graphics didn't matter, we'd all still be playing NES!

It begs the question; if you have a tiny TV and sit miles away from it, what the hell are you doing buying a next gen console?? Just carry on playing CoD etc on current gen! The main reason the next gen exists is to increase graphical fidelity and a BIG part of that is resolution, no question.

That's a great infographic! I have a 120" projector screen and will be sitting 15 feet away, so I'm perfect for 1080p ;)

Dunno if this has been posted, but:

I went to plug in my Sega Saturn (UK version) the other day and realised it only has SCART (the old composite based European connector) and of course the Saturn end is propitiatory (thanks Sega!) - is there any way of getting a converter for this does anyone know?


Ichabod still wearing his Olde Worlde clothes is just getting silly. And presumably smelly...

The entire US govermental system is ****ed. And completely undemocratic. And as an aside, for an country in the 21st century to claim it is the beacon of the free world but not have tax supported healthcare for its citizens is ludicrous. The USA is, at best, a second world country, that, like many third world

I was going to call him a dick, but his last tweet kinda mitigates it. It's just a movie, after all, not a frickin documentary!

Saw it at the IMAX in Auckland and it was amazing - everything I was hoping for. So glad to hear it's doing well.

That's the end of that then. FTP = great for game makers (endless money source if you get it right), pretty much always bad for game players.

The problem is, Phil Fish is a bit of an up himself dick, but seriously, if he makes great games (and based on Fez, he sure does!), who cares? Nicolas Winding Refn is an up himself dick too - doesn't make me think Drive is any less awesome!

Thanks Charlie. Guess I'll see Place Beyond the Pines this weekend instead! Side note; wasnt Wolverine dead against people giving up their mutant powers in XMen 3??