
Yeah, the soundtrack's "special features" seemed much more substantial than even the blu-ray. While one of the fake-out special features was pretty charming, and I understood the historical appeal of going to the spouse of a lead designer for when Disney tried to push a Snow Queen film/ride earlier— They pretty much

Reminds me of a Conan O'Brien show from around the same time, in which he got a drunk voicemail from Sean Connery: "You schould schee my new movie, Dragonheart! In it, I play a dragon named Draco!" Pause. "A DRAGON NAMED DRACO? WHAT THE FUCK WASCH I THINKING?!?!?"

They've forgotten Lockheed, Kitty Pryde's dragon companion in various Marvel titles. He would fit perfectly between Mushu and Spyro (because he's small).

Also Charizard isn't even a dragon :v

The heart of all worlds

Still, Cuusoo is becoming a "franchise popularity contest" rather than anything actually to do with ideas.

I saw the first one about a year ago on a 13 hour plane flight. It was good but not great, a bit generic in the characterization and plot, right down to the awkward young protagonist with the gruff disapproving father.

Totally off subject but my son asked after she brought back summer why didn't her dress melt? Because afterall she remade it for herself with her ice magic...shouldn't it melt?

I love how closely the premise of the movie reflects the time period of the books. It doesn't get any more 90's than a kid named Zach moving from the city to a super lame small town. Bummer! I bet his mom takes his game boy away. Thank god for the super cool white girl he invariably falls in love with! This might as

What's the etiquette on BYOP (Bring Your Own Plushie)? Do I call ahead? Is there a dress code?

I shouldn't mind it a bit! But I would probably see how weird a conversation I could have with a stuffed animal:

Thanks for posting more from the NAA website. Now we are even more informed on the incorrect stance they take on vaccinations.

Buffy Season 4 Episode 17: Superstar. Jonathon all of a sudden in all the credits.

All sitcoms with laugh tracks are LAME. End of story.

And since Enchanted had cameos from a bunch of other Disney Princesses' voice actors, it seems she was destined to become one herself. :)

my wish for it? Make Elsa the lead hero to rescue Anna. Elsa to me, as much as I fucking adore and worship her, never really had a chance to truely shine because she was overcome by fear for 95% of the movie. I want to see Elsa use the full might of the Snow Queen to rescue her beloved Sister.

I want "Hogwarts: A History." First the book, and then the 10- or 20- part BBC documentary narrated by Hermione Granger, in her best "It's levi-O-sa, not levi-o-SA" mode, featuring interviews with important figures in the present-day wizarding world (Harry, Ron, Kingsley Shacklebolt), BBC (or would it be WWN) radio

This is Jezebel. Common sense is not allowed here.

Is it the only available or the only one in stock at that store? Because on the very site you linked to, there are 2 other Princess Leia available. And on Amazon, there plenty more.

Matt Smith in the Adventures in Space and Time special from last year...that cameo made me cry.