
"Crime, violence and fear have run rampant..." - cut to a shot of a violent crime. "Our great city is being destroyed..." - cut to a shot of the city being destroyed.

Well, at least April's holding her phone horizontally while shooting video. That counts for something, right?

I am clairvoyant, so I don't need to see it to know that it will suck, just like Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight. Also, my consciousness time travels, so it will impact my childhood. Somehow. And I don't know what a producer does, so I will assume that everything in this movie is because of Michael Bay. ANd how dare

I guess with Michael Bay it is better then squinty eyes and buck teeth.

No. I will not shut up. There's a difference between writing a good headline and the "Most amazing story you'll see all day!" garbage HuffPo (and Gawker sometimes) is known for. That is the fucking worst.

But but but journalists have been doing it forever, so they can't be blamed!

Might be what the artist was going for. IMO, it kinda works that Fox and Falco are both a little "stubby" looking. Its reminiscent of four legged animals standing on their hind legs.

I would love to see more "serious" stuff from Carrey. He was great in this.

About six weeks after my boyfriend dumped me, I met a new guy, who I liked a lot, but I was naturally worried about getting into a new relationship—was I even ready for that? Well, a couple of friends of mine invited me out to see <I>Eternal Sunshine</I>, and they invited the new guy as well. So the four of us watched

I kind of get the impression you saw someone using this .gif appropriately somewhere, it was a big hit and you waited for literally any opportunity to use it yourself.

So that's $7.20, how much will a canister of mutagen set me back?

Oh wow!

Also, don't underestimate Justin the Rat from the Secret of NIMH.

So Disney has moved on to doing sequels no one wants to see to live-action remakes of their older animations :/

I wonder if the monkeys will still speak jive and sing about wanting to be real humans.

Seriously that reveal is kind of a big deal. The movie's only been out for 4 weeks.

The Lego Movie :)

I love how Julie Kavner put on a bit of a French accent for Marge's calling Maggie's name. "Ma-GEE? Ma-GEEE?"