Probably because you're in BC. I'm not actually in Toronto proper; I'm in the Greater Toronto Area. Therefore, I say I live in the GTA on the internet. :3
Probably because you're in BC. I'm not actually in Toronto proper; I'm in the Greater Toronto Area. Therefore, I say I live in the GTA on the internet. :3
I clearly live inside of a definition of a crime. :D
don't you try and teach me a lesson, j. walter weatherman!
That should be "Try to stop us"
I signed that quite a while ago. I'm on sympatico with no limit, but they could force us to drop the plan we've had for years.
Where I am (in the GTA, in Canada), we've got unlimited bandwidth (though our upload/download speed isn't the best). Why do we have this? We never changed our service. We've had this since before 2000, I think. No idea what we pay, though. I'm happy about it, though. We've downloaded in excess of 250 gb and gotten in…
You've just got to always look for them. I've gotten 3 for 9.99 each at EB games, one of which I resold for 35. They turn up in the most odd places.
i am so envious it hurts a little
Aw, man! You beat me to the better dot pitch point. Yeah, it's really, really lovely. The backlight is REALLY even, as well.
I've picked up a few of these at EB games for 10 bucks a pop. They're about the size of an NES controller, and they're quite awesome. I also have the Famicom edition, which was a gift when they were first released; my dad thought it was so cool that he decided to snag me one. Considering how much they're worth now,…
I saw that too. Good eye.
"Son isn't the only tech magnet with a Korean connection."
Yeah. |: Marlo is not amused.
I'll rephrase, then. I want the prizes Japan USED to get. ):
Damn son. D: I wish I could give you my 500 to contribute. Before a bunch of my coins were set to expire, I had enough for that G&W, plus the Kirby patches, two fans, and the wiimote straps. I'm so glad I used them.
The pins are pretty nice, but not platinum prize calibre. I want a SNES controller for my Wii. I want the prizes Japan gets. I can custom-make my own buttons at sixcentpress (and I have. I got 100 Murphy Brown FYI buttons made. NICHEMARKET.JPG). I can't custom-make my own SNES controller that connects to the wiimote…
Haha, awesome. I have a copy. Set me back a bit, but it was soooo worth it.
It's really not a metaphor for abortion; that's just an internet rumour. The final boss battle with Giygas is based on some movie scene that scared the absolute shit out of Itoi as a child. I heard the rumours, too, and I wanted to know the truth behind them. I like the battle backgrounds, too. I mean, Pokémon's…