

I have two, and they really don't play nice together, no matter what I try. So, I use one for the spare, 20$ gamecube I bought for my room, and the other on my wii. That setup works out just fine.

I like the way you think. :D

If not better than the DS. Besides Super Mario 64, there was not ONE game that really stood out to me as stellar. At least the 3DS' launch lineup had Nintendogs, SSF4, Pilotwings, and Steel Diver, all pretty decent games.

@Chestnut Bowl: Holy shit, that would be amazing. That game was so much fun.

Seriously. At first, I thought it'd be really cumbersome, and it still might be, but it looks really neat. I mean, I can really imagine the potential. Nintendo has finally learned that people really like graphics, too, along with their innovation.

Welcome back, Nintendo.

This will definitely be something I download; I loved that game. I also need that Wiimote. It'll make playing any Zelda game so much more awesome.

Hahaha. I don't have a PS3 yet (I plan on getting one in the relatively near future; I've been waiting damn near long enough), but if it gets this, I will be disappointed. :P

You make a valid point there.

Well, maybe there'll be an customisation option for those of us who hate this damn ball thing. I'd be okay with that.

@Yukichin: it's going on and off. took me an hour to get to download alleyway properly. :P

I still hate that ball menu. Ugh. What was wrong with the XMB?

@Aquasol: Haha, are you me? I did the exact same (as well as the 3D Pokédex) before it crashed for me. Well, I got it to work again and bought Super Mario Land. :3

The Update is actually awesome. When I went over SML in the menu, it made the original Game Boy boot noise. SO MUCH NOSTALGIA! The 3D Pokédex is pretty cool, and 3D Excitebike ... I like the 3D effect it has more than others. :)


This has gotten me thinking about how other shows/television genres would translate to video games ... not very well, really. Then again, maybe I'm not so creative. Here were my ideas:

Now playing

@Ejia: The catfights alone would make an awesome fighting game.

Owning the Desperate Housewives PC game is my secret shame.