Jeepers. Mister Gradenko briefly considered them for getting to Europe for a ski trip. IN the end the flight times and restrictions pushed him to Eurowings.
Jeepers. Mister Gradenko briefly considered them for getting to Europe for a ski trip. IN the end the flight times and restrictions pushed him to Eurowings.
4th: A joke about German electronics:
Nice Pipe, Crack Price.
I have some train anecdata.
That’s actually kinda reassuring. Mister Grandenko and I are doing a multi-city tour of central Europe next month, but couldn’t book the Nightjets we wanted bc they book up fast.
Not disagreeing.
None of that is necessarily the fault of the EC though. Florida was a contested election, just like it was when Hayes won the EC despite losing the popular vote.
That much I think we agree on.
In my ‘hood a “Plymouth” Neon has shown up in the street-parking shuffle.
I dunno, but as others have pointed out, with the EC there’s no incentive to campaign unless you think you either might gain or might lose 51% of the vote.
I don’t disagree with most of what you say. However, and I am not putting “the Constitution” on a pedastal that it may remain unchanged forever - in the Constitution the States, not the people, elect the President. the Electoral College is just the mechanism by which that happens.
FWIW I am definitely of the opinion that the Constitution, even the entire Revolution, were largely influenced, at the least, by landowning gentry. Working stiffs are just the muscle.
I’ve been trying to stay away from numbers, but all the same -
Well, I’ve mentioned elsewhere, just today, that regardless of my position, as written, the President is not elected by direct democracy. Apparently there was quite a bit of discussion about that in writing the Constitution. Basically the EC is the mechanism by which the States elect the president.
Right - and states decide how their Electors are selected and operate.
Well, I’ve been called out about the first, but all the same it’s worth pointing out that 1824, 1876, and 2000 were contested elections.
My uniform don’t seem to fit. I’m much too alive in it :)
I was thinking about this last night. I don’t disagree, but:
I want to say thanks for posting the video. It was informative.
Well, maybe a world where a populist dictator wins by promising puppies and kittens?