You know [comics spoiler follows], it would be interesting if they followed the next arc of the story by combining the mysterious helicopters with the community they meet over the radio.
You know [comics spoiler follows], it would be interesting if they followed the next arc of the story by combining the mysterious helicopters with the community they meet over the radio.
I was trying to parse when the Whisperers scene took place. I assumed later in the spring, but right - maybe they migrate.
Jeepers. Mister Gradenko briefly considered them for getting to Europe for a ski trip. IN the end the flight times and restrictions pushed him to Eurowings.
4th: A joke about German electronics:
Snap Judgment: Maybe I ought to have clarified, more Cable/Thanos jokes.
Nice Pipe, Crack Price.
Or . . .Fallen Angels, leading to Generation X.
You know, maybe mutants enter the MCU through an Age of Apocolypse-style story. Alternate Universe? So that’s where you’ve been this whole time!
I have some train anecdata.
It kinda is, especially when you remember that the A-team was arguably still in sociopathic mode when they first arrived in A-town (can we call it AVA? Like Alexandria, VA?) Except if we’re counting Oceanside, I think they still have one of their people governing them, and the Saviors have abandoned the Sanctuary, so…
Sorely tempting. I am a sea kayak and I have just one case that has flotation on it, and it fits the 5s/SE form factor.
I feel guilty but will admit, in my head Daryl was telling Carol, “look at the flowers” :)
I forgot to mention earlier, one part of this episode is that it became really clear that Alpha was more interested in saving face, at least once she realized Lydia wasn’t coming back. She may have beaten her daughter, but she wasn’t going to kill her. I think Daryl can take her at her word that she hopes she is wrong…
Give them some time, Eugene’s ham radio might contact other communities besides the ones that we know of.
You’re basically saying we’re going to get episode-length Taco Bell Red Machete, something I’ve been fearing for a couple of years now.
Comics Negan would be really, really great right now, but it would take forever to get that arc started and have it pay off.
Ugh, I just read her death today in X-Men: Legacy. Catching up vi MU but that was only . . .2013?
I predict time travel.
Jiminy, the Feels. Though there were a couple of things that bothered me in this episode.
That’s actually kinda reassuring. Mister Grandenko and I are doing a multi-city tour of central Europe next month, but couldn’t book the Nightjets we wanted bc they book up fast.