Miss Gradenko

My Haynes is pretty pristine, lives in a tidy compartment of the Saab, but it has been a good reference for:

As often as my phones have died with out in the cold, having the car fail while driving up to the mountains for a ski trip would be even worse.

TL;DR. While Mister Gradenko and I met kayaking, his true passion is skiing, and every winter we go to the Adirondacks with a pack of skiers and skiing is skied on the ski-place. I fell on my face, impacting an icy road, and only three years later have I taken a lesson and braved the green slopes.

I remain bizaarely hopeful. In a way, this sounds like financial engineering on Evergrande’s part, and when the Chinese economy implodes,Saab will buy it all back and make amazing cars.

I’ll bring a bottle to share. Mine’s just a year older.

What are you talking about? These are GM cars. I bought taillights off Amazon, wipers at an auto parts store, and an interior engine cover off eBay. Mine’s an ‘05 9-5 wagon.

That . . .that was awesome. 

An entire series? This thing’s already longer than it needs to be.

Also got dropped in Journey Into Mystery credits at one point, I believe.

I dunno about random, but my 2005 Saab wagon also has dual cigarette lighters charging plugs.

Quik! To the Wonkamobile!

I am not clear on whether this is meant to be a historical rally or a daily driver. It’s too meh for the former and to much for the latter.

Fine, I will stick with used. And, 5-series at that. The 3s don’t have long-enough roos.

Only by how they decided to allocate those names :) Thanks, Axio!

I am still unclear on the Volt vs the Bolt. When I see one on the road, I can never remember which came first, nor what the differences are.

Eh, Runaways? Maybe I’ve just not gotten to the storylines you mention, ‘m six months behind bc I read on MU. So far I’ve been feeling like this series is at best a much slower burn than the original, even with interesting but (IMO) under-utilized elements like being age-displaced bc you were dead for a couple of

I had a guy open my driver door once. When I slammed it shut, it set off my own airbag.

That is too much pork for just one fork.

“Retired the the Presidency” is a pretty good way to put it. Grant was immesnsely popular, so much so that even during the war Lincoln was looking over his shoulder in the runup to 1864. He survived Johnson’s attempts to sideline him, and handily won when he ran.

So yes, sucks that they back down on having a comedian.