Miss Gradenko

OMG YouTube served that up to me just yesterday.

Actually, yeah. I only recently read AvX and thought nearly everyone was out of character.

Yeah, but he heard about it.

I am really liking DD S3.

I liked the show’s “realistic” approach when I watched it, but having read the original series afterwards, I definitely want to see the mystical *&^#@ that was originally driving the plot.

Eh, Runaways? Maybe I’ve just not gotten to the storylines you mention, ‘m six months behind bc I read on MU. So far I’ve been feeling like this series is at best a much slower burn than the original, even with interesting but (IMO) under-utilized elements like being age-displaced bc you were dead for a couple of

“Times Fool” sounds like a familiar Twilight Zone episode:

Came here just to say this is how Futurama gets Sweet Zombie Jesus.

I had a guy open my driver door once. When I slammed it shut, it set off my own airbag.

This here Okie (and Tulsa native) is having a hard time remembering the TPD being in Watchmen.

Let’s see: Ghost, Mean Drunk, and “Madman” - he’s s triple threat.

That is too much pork for just one fork.

“Retired the the Presidency” is a pretty good way to put it. Grant was immesnsely popular, so much so that even during the war Lincoln was looking over his shoulder in the runup to 1864. He survived Johnson’s attempts to sideline him, and handily won when he ran.

So yes, sucks that they back down on having a comedian.

In Chernow’s telling, Grant was less directly corrupt, than a naive waif surrounded by corrupt people. Basically he was a great general, but a terrible judge or character in civilian life. He got swindled over and over and over again, even before the Civil War.

The MS team should ask Jalopnik to do a “Cars of The Walking Dead”, because the ‘wagons’ in the past two episodes are very jalop.

Here’s my TL;DR recap:

I think about my grandfather, and the times he would stare off at things that I couldn’t see. I don’t know what he would say if he saw me playing.

Why not the 9-5? Asks the 9-5 Sportcombi owner.

I see your point, but - with these being prequels, maybe the reason the xenomorphs were there is bc of David, and the Engineers were there bc of him (or, he goes there bc there is an Engineer colony).