it needs some ‘TLC.’ Before you go chasing waterfalls however,
it needs some ‘TLC.’ Before you go chasing waterfalls however,
I want to see the NPOCP on that deal.
I am reminded of this lyric:
[...] and it’s older than most of you.
I can’t device if DAF is Dutch AF or Daft AF.
Mister Gradenko works in television news, and covered the press conference about the plane last night.
NP, though the interior’s kinda meh for a Mercedes.
God, I have nothing to add, except a family story that my granddad joined the Navy near the end of the war, was assigned to the Ranger, went through the canal, and by the time they stopped in San Diego, the war was over. I have no idea how that lines up with actual movement of the ship.
But I wouldn’t say those terrible things are the focus of the Bible either. It is a messy work; my favorite being, why does God take bets with Satan? And, like I mentioned, terrible things have been done in the names of all religions.
I can’t be the only one who heard “Big Iron” playing at first. Cross-post to Kotaku and see what you get.
Well played. Only when my uniform doesn’t fit ;)
And yet - atheist that I am - I would make the argument that what separates the ‘axial’ religions - Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam - is that at their best, in their foundations, they ultimately focus on us getting on with one another, engaging each other, being kind to one another. Scientology seems more…
Oh man, memories. I drove a rented Juke back from Ithaca to NYC during a Halloween blizzard, 2011, I believe, great fun. Felt like an SUV and a car. back then I wasn’t really a car girl but still, I felt like I was in an unusual automobile.
Nice car, crack price.
I’ve got a long drive comgin up, and Autobahn, Man-Machine, and Compterworld are all in the playlist.
“By pressing down a special key, it plays a little mel-o-dee”.
OMG I’m already on a Kraftwerk kick. Don’t encourage me.
I read a biography of Nixon earlier this year and this line is essentially what was given. That is, the contemporary author mentioned to rumors, and that the press of the day wouldn’t go into ‘family matters’ like this, they way they would now.
Came here just to remind everyone that, “the French copy no one, and no one copies the French”.