
If you seriously have to ask that last question, then you don't know anything about vaccines. Babies cannot be vaccinated before certain ages. They are very vulnerable during these times. Additionally, there is a percentage of the population that cannot receive vaccines due to immune disorders. There is also a small

Audra McDonald singing White Wedding was nothing short of amazing!

If someone co-opted my art to create something that I considered an abomination of the principles which guided my art, I'd speak up too. Sinead shaved her head to subvert the expectation that she'd sell herself sexually as a female artist only to, twenty years later, watch someone who claims to be inspired by her

As a Brit, I have 2 things to say:

1: Your political system is WAY fucked up.

2: You need to get on this socialised healthcare shit ASAP. It is GREAT. You are going to LOVE IT.

Now playing

Has anyone seen this absolutely incredible and generally inspiring statement from Sen. Elizabeth Warren? Her general badassery might give us all a little hope.


*I just used this gif maybe a half hour ago, and I'm sorry, but it bears repeating.*

God these assholes. But on the plus side, I think this happens tomorrow too:

This morning I made a piping hot cup of disappointment for my husband. Rich black disappointment, tinged with regret and a sense of impending loss, served piping hot with two sugars and some cream.

What really got me was "I need to be strong for the kids that I did this for and people I did this for." She's so young! No teenager should have to feel that kind of pressure on top of everything else.

Trololololol. Yes, you ALSO learn to think critically from "basic scientific training," but to suggest that humanities subjects like philosophy or English don't teach critical thinking is pretty absurd. Have you ever taken a philosophy or English or feminist/gender studies class, particularly at the college level?

Some people glean meaning from the world by studying it's practical realities—these people tend toward things like science and math; disciplines with real right/wrong answers.

They want to bring their guns to Starbucks because they CAN. And just because you CAN do something, you DEFINITELY SHOULD because this is AMERICA, BITCHES WHOO DONT TREAD ON ME.

It's all about ideology and by extension, identity. They don't care about life, they care about the markings of a conservative, and opposing abortion is one of them.

Great comment. I would also add to that the idea of politicians increasingly using emotionally-charged rhetoric to trick voters into voting against their own interests (i.e. the voter who votes into office the politician who would take away that voter's government program because said politician also thinks

Ladies are a controlled substance. If we don't make sure that the women stay regulated, then we'll just have a bunch of people hopped up on women roaming around and being general layabouts and then society will crumble into smoldering, estrogen-scented pile of girl rubble.

I think the apparent increase in single-interest radicals represents two trends...

This one was my favourite