
Am I the only one wondering how a man (father) has avoided spending a whole day alone with his kid for 6 whole months.

I was thinking this exact same thing, I will watch it if it contains the copious amounts of Target advertising that Josie did.

I recommend Wyoming in the late spring or early summer. It isn't too cold and it is gorgeous, private, and you can get an amazing place for a reasonable price.

I made the terrible mistake of inviting my mother and sister to attend my dress shopping, a girl should (must) want her mother and sister there for picking out the dress, right. Wrong, oh so wrong. I strongly recommend that you trust your gut on this one. First off, I was paying for my own dress, and had shopped

That is amusing, you are not logical to individuals who employ sentimental, also known as social logic. In reality, AS logic relies on extending logical assumptions onto individuals or ideas that do not have root in the same foundations; thus making you illogical to those who operate with whatever

I understand what you are saying about the MRA draw as a an easy explanation for some feelings of alienation, in this particular case, the individual has far greater access and knowledge regarding gender and race issues per their own admission. AS requires a clean, logically produced argument that can stand until

tldr; Don't armchair diagnose someone, people can be socially awkward without a diagnosis, and being a jerk and being on the autism spectrum are not mutually exclusive.

I understand why many people are responding negatively to the "self-diagnosed disorder du jour" comment. But as someone who has been diagnosed since 1990 with Asperger Syndrome (now ASD), and having to validate my diagnosis next to all the people using it as a means to be obnoxious or whenever someone commits a

I think the book referred to is the "Golden Gulag" by Ruth Wilson Gilmore; if not this book focuses on the same subject and is very well written.

I enjoyed the film, even with many of the problematic aspects. However, I read the wings being taken as 1) the betrayal and 2) extreme physical pain. She walked with a limp for the remainder of the film and required a cane/staff to get around. I thought what turned her evil and vengeful, was not just the betrayal of

I think that is drawing moral responsibility too far, if Weiner had a serious gambling problem that would bankrupt his family is it the blackjack dealers responsibility to cut him off, or a bartender to turn away a daily customer because they may be an alcoholic. Leathers didn't hurt another woman and her child,

I don't understand all the vitriol towards Sydney Leathers, especially when relating to her culpability in damaging Weiner's family. She was an unattached female who makes money and garners attention through online sex trade. Regardless of whether she sought him out or not, Weiner's was still the one who was

I believe that it is more than just baby girls and sisters that have this affect on men. My fiance had an amazing history teacher in high school that really shaped his views, moving him away from his family's conservative roots. Flash forward a decade, I have watched him grow through our relationship to have more

I have seen a few comments about the increased tuition at universities, and while I cannot speak for all states I know three major state systems that have similar stories. I am a full time student and employee within the state university system. In 2008, all the state universities were notified that they had to return