Even so, this form of self-destruction is blindingly glorious. Only passages from The Bhagavad Gita can adequately describe this social disaster.
Even so, this form of self-destruction is blindingly glorious. Only passages from The Bhagavad Gita can adequately describe this social disaster.
Lena Dunham is plotting to get rid of white privilege by single handedly using it all up
I know that we shouldn’t be surprised by it at this point, but when news first broke of his death I’m pretty sure this is the last fucking thing that anybody expected. 3 years 6 months 24 days for me since my last hit of dope and my heart is truly with anyone out there reading this that is still suffering from this…
She must be tall for her age.
“shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S”
My husband of 15 years and I have recently opened our marriage too and so much of what you say resonates with me. Thanks for sharing!
The two concepts aren’t mutually exclusive, you know. And maintaining a healthy open relationship for decades requires more dedication and communication that you’d think.
Chinese food isn’t even really Chinese food.
I chose to move here from upstate NY many, many moons ago and even before I could actually move I was totally in love with the batshit-ness of Florida. I’m also really obsessed with Florida history. It’s pretty much been crazy since the European explorers first started landing here and got progressively nuttier from…
Not to make light of a tragedy here, but does anyone have a theory for why Florida seems to produce a surplus of behavior like this? Is it the mind-warping humidity, the moronic political culture, the discomforting acceptability of Jimmy Buffett fandom? I honestly want a study commissioned on why this keeps happening.…
Looks like somebody needs to get fucking laid. Loudly.
Noooo!! I *love* their underwear. Always buy scads of it on trips to the US; they hit the magic combination of sexy, well-fitting, long lasting, and affordable. DAMMIT.
Sounds fun, get it gurl!
No. When your partner is sick or loses their job or has a death, you rally around them and support them... often with the added support of your other partner(s). You have a network of support and love to pull from. When my boyfriend aggravates me or we aren't meshing, we talk that shit out and figure out what's going…
It might not make sense to a lot of people, especially because there is such a strong cultural narrative regarding jealously guarding your romantic partners as possessions that should belong to you and you alone... but there's a word used a lot in polyamory called "compersion." Essentially, it describes the happiness…
Heh, "husband-elect." Love it!
In my lived experience, poly folks have MORE communication, MORE support, MORE commitment in their lives. More people who are there for them. Its an extended family just like many monogamous folks have, except different, you dig? When my partner's partner gets sick? We BOTH make accommodations to take care of her.…
Indeed, it's self-centered AND narcissistic to tell people that they can care about someone other then just their significant other. Things were so much simpler back in the day when you just owned your wife, weren't they?
Thanks for all the thoughtful commentary and discussion. I'm not an advice columnist; I really believe that all people need different things and that there is a relationship model that works for everyone. This one works well for me right now, and I'm hopeful. I DO believe that it's important for everyone to tell…