Seeing him perform this live a few years ago was one of the sweetest and most profound experiences of my life.
Seeing him perform this live a few years ago was one of the sweetest and most profound experiences of my life.
Sorry to be “that” nerd, but if R+L = Jon Snow, he and Dany would be nephew and aunt respectively. Rhaegar was Dany’s much older brother.
I would have picked Tom Hanks as the last celebrity person to commit DV.
Not to be too pedantic, but there’s reason to believe in the books that Lyanna actually ran off with Rhaegar and that her relationship with him was consensual.
Be that as it may (and I understand where you’re coming from), you’re still very much in the majority.
Of course you can have relationships in your life that provide those emotional benefits and I do. We just choose not to forgo the sexual aspect if the opportunity for it is there and satisfying to us.
Please don’t be. I don’t mind answering questions and I do hope that my response didn’t come across as particularly defensive. It wasn’t intended to be. I’m quite aware that non-monogamy isn’t for everyone, and no one should ever feel bad for knowing what’s right for them. I can absolutely see why monogamy has value;…
My boyfriend (who is separated but still legally married for the present) and I enjoy joking about our brazen adultery.
I obviously can’t speak for everyone who lives the way we do, but for us, we don’t maintain the expectation that one person is necessarily going to fulfill all of our needs/wants in life. To us, it feels unrealistic and unfair. All relationships are different and all of our relationships add value to our lives in…
So, as a married polyamorous person, I respectfully take exception to your assertions. My husband and I were together monogamously for 6 years before changing our relationship agreement prior to our marriage and we most CERTAINLY haven’t sacrificed commitment.
Meh. My marriage vows didn’t have a single word that implied monogamy in them and we designed them as such.
As a polyamorous person, this just irritates the shit out of me.
I went to high school with him for a brief time. I only really knew him in passing as we tended to hang out with separate and very different crowds, but even then he just seemed pretty down-to-earth and the easy-going likable sort. He’s always been well-liked. Just one of those dudes, I suppose.
Works for MY marriage.
I have one on my thigh and that movie made me feel better about it.
I used to live in Rockville, and there’s also a great hallal Thai place there as well.
City Lights and Mei Wah.
Was one of them Mei Wah? Hands down my favorite Chinese place in DC. Dear god, their steamed dumplings...
In my experience, having lived here on and off for over 15 years, the native Floridians are consistently the batshit craziest.
All of the above.