
Looks pretty slick. I'm glad Yahoo's stepping out nowadays. Google needs more competition.

No hole for the camera light, or the background-noise canceling microphone.

A logo that embraces change, each flavor of their vegan food (and I'm not even vegan!) has the logoman don a different mustache. Got "lots-O-charm" if you ask me.

Looks fine to me, I don't know what everyone's griping about.
Then again I'm a guy, so whatever!

What if they took turns?
Send two small teams, and have them switch off. The only problem then is that it would double the expenses. I'm sure that there's a way to wake them up from hibernation if anything goes wrong, though. So maybe only one team is necessary.

Chicago's public transit blows SF's outta the water. San Fran's is fancier, and their card readers have this neat thing where the outlet is further ahead than the inlet so you can retrieve it whilst walking...
And that's IT.

 Eye contact does not guarantee focus, interaction does (mostly).  If I'm writing notes, I'll need to look away and focus on the speaker with my ears instead. A video that pauses at that point would honestly be pretty convenient, (because it's difficult to listen and take notes simultaneously) but I don't want the

All I want is a phone that will set a PLAYLIST as its alarm clock, without having to leave the phone turned on all night... (Lookin ' at you, iPhone)

So you're telling me it's okay to download Internet Explorer again?

Not true! To demonstrate why, imagine a man was born with three eyes, arranged triangularly. His eyes would all still need to look up to see the top of his head, and vice versa.


Undetectable with current in-use tech.

I enjoyed it a lot. It was like a thrill-ride; it's not scary for the sake of scary, it's scary for the sake of fun. The startling bits are held off until the right time, and it was one of the few movies to handle horror and humor at the same time and get away with it. I didn't expect much going in, and expected even

To this day one of my favorite apps is one called Jared. It's literally completely useless and only features a smiley face that poorly lip-syncs some song in Spanish. That's it. I love it


I just wanted to know where that pool in the upper right of the front mosaic wNo! The one with those orange things reflecting off the water... I didn't see it in the article. :(

Pixar was funded by Steve Jobs in its early days; it'd be a tragedy if they started using Linux anytime soon.

I want to download this typeface, but every site has it in bold!

I was on the edge of my seat for the balloon video.