@pixelpushing: "If an individual walking down the street stopped and took pics of that open window, you'd likely raise an eyebrow and wonder what that was about. I'm just raising it with Google, too."
@pixelpushing: "If an individual walking down the street stopped and took pics of that open window, you'd likely raise an eyebrow and wonder what that was about. I'm just raising it with Google, too."
@Tony Kaye: Lasers can become commonplace too! We just need to make sure that everyone buys one.
Makes sense to me... Another factory allows more resources to meet demand without working employees overtime.
@kingcrim84: Starred commenters, UNITE!
What's the fun in that? If they're going to correct my horrible singing, why don't they just mute my voice, and play the real vocals in the background?
@Veritas7Ax: you can already get ffVII on the psn network.
@r33brooks: Well, they're not concave... (I'm aware you have a college degree, this is for others reading this) It's called a fresnel lens (that's fre-nell) based on a series of specially-shaped refracting circular grooves, which is great, 'cause that means it's lightweight and flat ('cept for the grooves, of…
I survived the triple-strike! I should make t-shirts.
ehhhh.... when will the site be back up and running again? I photoshopped a parody of the situation that no one can see. *sigh*
"There is no reception issue."
"There is no reception issue."
@Enochrewt: Whoa dude, calm down.
I'm super excited for the Move controller, but I just have one question: