
I think that’s an even bigger crime than the new comment system, articles being several times harder to find is pretty obviously terrible, and is not subject to any opinion.

“People, you know how we have a website where our newswire, daily features and new tv/music/movie reviews are all on the same fairly easy to view page along with a robust and invested commenting community? I have a brilliant fucking idea. What if we don’t? Boom, bang, we can print the money!”

So this is it huh, this is where the AVC is as a community. I hope you guys are getting the pageviews out of this, because in one night the community here has been shattered. No Trump updates, no more Jeopardy recaps, no long form thoughts about old television. Nothing about ratings, no Cancellation League...I know

Well, it took me 20 minutes to find this article, since I didn’t see it on the front page. The front page is probably the best place for new articles, in future.

It took me like 5 minutes to even find the WOT post, as the homepage just seems to randomly list new and old things in no particular order, and there is no /recent page.

My take away from this story is that you are extremely lucky Fahey. YOu went through all that because of your own decisions and still came out on top. Job that support addiction, same girlfriend ..your happily ever after. It’s cool and all, but do you know how lucky you are. You know how many people don’t even get a

YOu are edging someone to kill himself while he is clearly calling for help. ARE you this much of a terrible human being? Shut the fuck up man. If you don’t have anything positive to contribute then just shut the fuck up. I can’t believe you are constantly telling a human being to kill himself.

Are you fucking telling someone else to kill himself? What a piece of shit you are. This is clearly the worst comment I’ve seen here and you should be ashamed of yourself asshole.

I’m battling to claw myself out of a similar hole, albeit not caused by video games.
Hell, actually, I guess it’s almost an inverse situation.

I had a girl...a girl I would’ve married....but for reasons genuinely beyond my control, I lost her.
Life was great with her in it. Everything made sense. The future made sense.

My world does revolve around me, just as yours revolves around you.

Great story, however it does not relate at all to me. Granted, I am addicted to MMOs and video games in general. However, I have always been a social outcast. I have never had a girl friend. I am not confident or outgoing. I have always been "a ghost, drifting through the waking world unnoticed."

@Psychopathic Assassin: I'll chime in - as pointed out on Big Bang Theory, people replace real-life achievements with virtual ones. It is an escape that people retreat deeper and deeper into. Works sucks? You can always get more gold. Haven't done something personally fulfilling lately? Well, there's this boss that

@Psychopathic Assassin: Also like to point out that I have an addiction to reading video game articles. I can get sucked into reading more and more of them many times, that it takes away from my game time. No joke. #gamingaddiction

@Norellicus: I can't understand that either. My parents used to and still due some times, say I need to stop playing video games so much and go out and do something. But I look at my sister and she sits around, sleeping in late and watching opera or soap opras. I don't understand the difference, either.

Can someone please explain why there is a distinction between "spending hours chatting about absolutely nothing while smoking cigarettes and drinking countless cups of Waffle House Coffee" and "helping online friends camp a rare monster spawn, or discussing class balance on my guild's chat channel"?

While my life wasn't so negatively impacted by Everquest, our stories are quite similar. A coworker offered me the spare room in his apartment if I'd split the bills with him, and he then got me hooked on EQ.

Why is a life in Everquest less imporatant than one outside of it? Everything is bullshit man made nonsesne anyways.I don't see anything wrong with just getting by to live with a purpose one finds palpable, even if it's a virtual one.I need balance personally, can't continually play vids without feeling like I've

@bakagaijin: I indeed am very glad, too. I also wrote a whole bunch of text about how much I can relate to Mike's story, but then I thought my english was bad and did not post it.

Excellent read Mike. I play WoW, and I have struggled with addiciton a few times, though never quite to the extremes you went. I do enjoy the game a lot, but I make a point to balance my time now. I have a job, I go to school, and I hang out with my friends on a regular basis. My story is less interesting, but

Great article. I'm glad, just like I assume other commenters on this site are glad, that you are doing well and contributing to Kotaku in such a positive way. It wouldn't be the same Kotaku without you, and it's good to see you've tackled your problem head-on, and realized your mistakes—and not blame them on the game,