
Aw. I am disappointed. Don’t really like Cavill. Would have liked to see Richard Armitage in the role.

I am now, and will always be, gray.

I’m with you. Why does everything I love have to change?? WHY!?!

I totally relate to everything you wrote. I have worked and not worked, have a degree and a family. But I think it does all seem pointless. You are only on the earth a short time and if you wanna game, then do it. If you wanna work, then work. Eat what you want. Do what you want. That might sound aimless to some

Yes. Yes, I can.

I found this animation so entertaining. The facts were interesting, I guess, but the cat animation made it.

Similar story here. Mine was the Sunday before Thanksgiving. I was 13 and my mother just said I had cramps! After a day of crying and begging, my dad finally took me to hospital. Surgeon said my appendix had broken off and migrated halfway across my abdomen, and I could have died. (I used this to guilt my mother for

Yes to all of this. I grew up in Dallas. It is an ugly city. Houston is better in almost every regard - streets, food, activities, location, even the traffic. Dallas has just gone downhill. I don’t live there now. I moved to an even worse shithole in Texas! Yea for family ties!

Yes. And?

I agree with you. And that is precisely why he deserved more. As did Luke. I mean in terms of story/plot. Having Luke run away and sulk? Just no.

Yes, and you filled in all those blanks. He did not say any of the things a parent would say to a child - grown or otherwise - in trying to persuade them. He just looked at him. I felt the scene was lacking the emotional gravitas it should have had. No, I did not want a throwaway line or anything along the "we love

This. And I am so mad about the death of Han Solo. Not because he died, I was kinda expecting that. But it was the way he died. There was no emotional heft to it like it should have been. And he should have died doing something heroic, for Force sake! To stand there like that, knowing his son was EVIL seemed so naive

My birthday is the best. Because it is shared by Patrick Stewart and Harrison Ford. Just sayin'.

Same. But I barely comment.

I think what you are describing is perfectly normal. Your feelings about it, I mean. I had fertility treatment and had great difficulty getting pregnant, so I assumed that I would feel sick or awful or something. But I felt exactly the same! It is kind of confusing. I had no morning sickness, only a bit of tired

I am so so sorry. I have been through a lot with cats over the years. It never ever gets easier. Wishing peace to you and your kitty.

Oh and the ending of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, which was on TCM last weekend, I think. Wow, that movie really surprised me!

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. When Li Mu Bai dies...

Beautiful, passionate, and true. Thank you for writing this, Kara! Thank you!

Lee Pace maybe?