
Random Shoes... I loved that episode so much. Torchwood was so frustrating. But when it was good, it was very very good.

Married 36 years here - most of them happily. As the years have passed I have found that having autonomy is more important than constant or insistent togetherness. I am much happier now when I go to bed when I want, and he does the same. He is a morning person, I am a night owl, so we have never really meshed in this

This. This is what I wanted.

Wow. I really loved what you wrote. And I so agree with you about the show. I will miss it more than I can say.

This is my cousin! And she is a true animal lover in every sense of the word. She fosters baby kittens and finds homes for them in every city she goes to. She works for animals just as much as they work for her. And believe me, you cannot get a cat to do something it does not want to do. These cats actually like their

Looks like a baby Ewok!