Mischa Monae

I've been all over the weight spectrum (102 lbs to 165) and my ribs have always stuck out. I have a bigass ribcage.

That doesn't surprise me. I admit a huge part of my personal distaste over cosmetic procedures is that they stand out like a sore thumb. I can't see a person who's had a nose job without that being the only thing I'm noticing about their face. There's also that general shiny skin look that I find disturbing. Also

young people who've already overdone surgery is really sad.

Right. That list may have started as an actual attempt to call out sexual violators, but as the trend continues I can see some vindictive people adding men's names to these lists simply because they felt jaded in a relationship, or maybe they just don't like the person. This is bullshit.

Vigilante justice. If I saw a guy's name on that list, I would avoid him if he were interested in me.

She's not a good drunk. She goes from being very sweet to being incredibly volatile in a matter of minutes which is why she rarely partakes. She once hit a guy she was very close friends to with a shoe repeatedly for no reason, threatened people, and then locked herself in the bathroom and tried to flush said

"How do we know Solange isn't just like my sister?"

And Beyonce just stands there and watches?

I really don't think it matters if she was drunk (nor do I think it matters if your sister was drunk) physical violence is never, ever ok. If the gender roles were reversed no one would ever take anything like "He was just drunk, he gets like that sometimes." as an acceptable excuse.

man, I wish I made $15/hour

Women around the world deal with objectification, body shame, and the burden of the male gaze.

I found a picture of her favorite brand!

This is another harrowing example of the need for more states to adopt Safe Harbor laws. Had Kruzan been duly recognized as a victim of human trafficking rather than identified as a criminal/prostitute, perhaps her sentence would have been dramatically lighter. Unfortunately even today, despite international and

The only feelings allowed for puritans is crushing despair at the sinfulness of man and a deep awareness of one's own mortality.

Seriously. That's welfare I can get behind! And in front of, and on top of, and crossed over sideways...

PURITANS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO FEEL! *metes out punishment*

Wait, wait. Like royalties? Because if I get a check in the mail every time I schtup the gentleman friend, I guess I'd be okay with that.

Noooo my Puritan feelings!

Thousands, at least. Because Jesus.

Sooo...how many more studies from the Institute of No Shit (birth control saves money, birth control lowers the abortion rate) are we going to need before the GOP of Old Clueless White Guys stops saying that sluts are the root of all evil and therefore no funding for your whore pills?