
So as long as people are willing and able to go to a farmers market they’ll be able to get good baking apples?

I don’t really like either of those for baking. They have the wrong texture and seem too ... watery? for baking. They make good eating apples, especially honeycrisp.

Bramley outside UK can be tricky, just as Gravensteiner outside Switzerland/Southern Germany can be a bit difficult, but the others are not that hard to get. It sometimes seems that the US for all it’s regions suitable for apple growing never got into the habit of growing cooking and baking varieties.

I recommend using proper baking varieties like bramley, braeburn, boskoop, glockenapfel or gravensteiner. They will make a taste and texture difference.

Quark-Öl-Teig. Although I admittedly exchange the oil for butter and milk. For a non-sweet pie in a 20cm pie dish:

Just do as the Swiss: there is breakfast (zmorge), second breakfast (znüni), lunch (zmittag), afternoon snack (zvieri) and dinner (znacht). Please note the smaller meals have defined times: second breakfast is at 9.00 am while the afternoon snack is at 4.00 pm as indicated by their names.

Are dropmats so rare?

I get dizzy if I work out without eating anything, so i got into the habit of eating a crips bread with cheese and tomato, wash it down with (herbal) tea and then go do my sports stuff.

That pastry is clearly a Schweineohr (pig’s ear). At least in my hometown. Around where I live now they are called Prussien (the French word for Prussian).

Hmm... I’ll give the watermelon, cucumber and mint/feta combo a try. Should have everything at home. Might be worth it to add a handful of olives.

Well, might I point your attention towards Children’s pageants, especially one Honey Boo Boo (sp?)? Apparently, pageant moms regularly energize their kids with Red Bull and/or Mountain Dew.

Not road trip, but first national flight on my own I was 5, first solo national train ride I was around 8 or 9, first international solo flight with stopover where I had to change planes was when I was 10.

Here’s a very decent explainer - though if you’ve been living under a rock for the past years you might have to click through to some additional explainers.

During the work week, I have always the same breakfast: overnight oats with milk, yoghurt, a bit of cashew butter and seasonal fruit. It’s easy to prepare, portable, I like it and it refills my energy reliably after my morning workout until lunch.

This made me actually feel okay about my once per week all the bottles go into the dishwasher routine.

Um. As someone who used to have stomach ulcers.... this salad is a really bad breakfast idea. I’d much rather go with the overnight oats, any kind of mild cooked porridge (from oats, farro, rice, even buckwheat... anything). I’m assuming that you are on proper PPIs to let your ulcers heal and hard to digest food is a

Just a side note: while most raclette varieties indeed use cow’s milk, there are goat and sheep varieties as well. Plus, there are flavoured raclette cheeses, green pepper, garlic and chili are very common. And if you get a good raw milk raclette cheese it will be very tasty when unmelted as well and makes a fantastic

I just went the cheap route and bought Primark’s four way stretch high waist skinny jeans. They’re a bit on the short side, but they will fit me in the waist as well as around butt/thighs because of the great stretch. And they don’t look like jeggings as some stretchy skinny jeans are fond of doing. I really like them

I love fried capers ever since a restaurant used them in a veggie cesar’s salad instead of anchivies. They’re great. Thank you for the reminder!

Now to find someone who owns a dehydrator in my general area...