Not to me. I’d way rather deal with occasional issues than constant simmering. But that just means more for you so we’re good.
Not to me. I’d way rather deal with occasional issues than constant simmering. But that just means more for you so we’re good.
Or a kind and loving short guy! “An angry ... guy to worship you” sounds like a nightmare.
Yeah - I don’t want to date any angry people. But this is an article about short men.
But that describes literally every variable body attribute: skin tone, hair type, breast size, acne, teeth. Mature adults accept that there are just some things about each of us that might be perceived as “flaws” and we move on with our lives. Black people want to be met halfway, so do bald men and women with small…
The problem of bitter angry guys not getting laid? Fine by me.
“Executively produced” is not a thing.
But that’s the thing, I don’t care about his height. I do care about his attitude.
Sure, then when they arrive at their next relationship and take that out on a whole new woman who didn’t find them unattractive at all, they perpetuate their own disappointment. Rejection is hard for everyone but bitterness is universally unattractive.
I’m pretty short and I’m not at all turned off by short guys - my last boyfriend was barely 5’5”. But you know what is really unattractive? Short guys who are furious about it and think that they were betrayed by the universe, that they ought to have had some much better life than whatever disappointment they’ve…
I think that when you get some kind of special deal (coupon, comp’ed drinks, etc.), it’s a good practice to tip on what the meal should have cost. If you didn’t actually partake of the free thing, I think you’re good.
At the end of the Catacombs, they search your bag. It struck me as so bizarre that they’ve had to plan for people trying to take human remains on the regular.
You do mean “eating her out a lot” right?
They’re also inviting liability from someone who sought help and wasn’t adequately cared for.
The hippie subdivision of the baby industrial complex: parents are so overwhelmed and desperate for solutions that they’ll do/buy/eat/try anything that might help.
Every time I have either asked a man on a date or (and) paid for my meal, I have found myself ending up with a lazy, lukewarm manchild. Relying on the scientific method, I no longer ask men on dates or try very hard to split the cost of the first date.
Living room picnic? Movie night (with treats and popcorn)?
In principle, the splitting is not the problem. But the venn diagram of people who want to pay for only their share and people who cheap out on their share is very nearly a circle.
All I’m saying is that in my experience, people who think they’re paying for what they ordered almost always underestimate that total. And I’m not interested in insisting that in fact they owe $6 more than whatever they’ve offered.
Like I said, I don’t think that asking for a separate check at the beginning of the meal is at all a problem. That’s really easy on everyone and not disruptive at all to the meal.
To me, I’m paying for the shared experience of a meal together - not the food. And I also think that next time, I might have the lobster and you’ll have the salad and it will all work out in the end.