
It hurt but it wasn't unbearable. I then had cramping for a few weeks after but nothing that I couldn't manage with some motrin and a heating pad.

Oh girl, you gotta get yourself out of this. Time and distance is the only way. Future you will be so thankful! (And maybe future you will be able to be friends with him, but not until you've had some time to heal first.)

I have some exes that I've been able to be friends with but this won't be one of them. It's this strange paradox: what he did was one of the worst things anyone has ever done to me in a relationship, it was also the most generous thing he'd ever done for me - since now I can move on to something better.

The best part is that he wanted to "take a break." I told him to come get his things. I got a generic email on my birthday which I did not respond to and I assume that he's gotten the message. He's selfish, but he's not stupid.

I am six weeks post blindside-breakup and want nothing more than for my ex to vaporize into nothingness and be annihilated forevermore. I already have plenty of friends.

If you're worried that your drinking is a problem, it probably is.

I hope the door doesn't hit him on the way out.

There are a lot of possibilities here but only one answer: be 100% supportive.

I was a rotten kid who got into a lot of awful fights with my mom (and I was SO RUDE to her). Now I've got a fancy graduate degree and a great job and really good relationship with her. It's hard now, but life is long.

He might come around, but that has nothing to do with what you do now. The water only runs in one direction. If he comes back later and if he's in the right condition and if he wants it, then you can decide if you let him back in. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WAIT FOR HIM. That will not speed his recovery or force him to

Yeah, as someone who's been that person for people in my life I can tell you that it really hurts to then get pushed out of their lives because you're a reminder of that hard time. Whoever that was, s/he did it out of love and now it's your turn to be generous by keeping them in your life and working (maybe with

The RH down booties are great but DO NOT put them in the washing machine (no matter what the label says) - they'll just be fuzzy lumps after that.

My (now-ex, obv.) boyfriend arrived at my house one day after I'd just gotten my hair cut. He said "you look so good, I thought maybe I'd walked in to the wrong house!"

This was the end of my last relationship. His only motivating force was "want" and it was ultimately our undoing. Any time I expressed a need that clashed with something he wanted in the moment, it was an outsized conflict - and in the end, I rarely got what I needed anyway.

Totally agree. The first time was hard but I felt like it was ok - that's something that you should be allowed to ask for in a relationship and it should be honored. You don't get to keep doing it.

And we already did this once - six months ago. He said he needed a week so I gave it to him. But I'm not signing up for a lifetime of this, the ending never changes.

This was pretty much the end of my most recent relationship. I spent about 9 months saying "here is a thing I need" and he would first get really angry - and then say "yes, I understand your need and I want to be able to meet that need" and then nothing would change. Last week he finally broke down and said that he

My relationship ended a little more than a week ago. It's for the best but it's still so sad.

Dry cleaning of uniforms is a specific class of tax deductible business expense. Meaning that as far as the IRS goes, the expectation is that if you pay for it - you can write it off (presuming that this happens a lot). Most police officers and fire fighters do this.

We still tell the story of my mouse's $100 vet bill.